A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

With respect mate, none of the above has any relevance to the ongoing atrocities being commited at the moment against the innocent people of Gaza.

The IDF’s literal ethnic cleansing and genocide against innocent civilians since the 7th October is off the charts. It has to be condemned and stopped.

Still a lot of fir bolg knocking about these days. I blame spud dinners and ten pint nights out.

The innocent members of Hamas and those that support them? The innocent people who lined the streets and cheered as dead Jewish women were paraded thrugh the streets?

What is your source for atrocities and ethnic cleansing? Any news coming out of Gaza is controlled by Hamas and their sympathizers.

Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens falling out publicly is one of the bright things about this conflict. Ben accused his co worker of being despicable for calling IDF actions a genocide

Hamas are just as bad as the current far right Israeli government mate.

Realistically neither side could care less about their own innocent people. Thats my reading of it for what its worth. Both sides should be brought to justice for crimes against humanity.

It isn’t.

Other European governments are out of step with their populations.

@BruidheanChaorthainn has 162 posts on this topic and I’d say 160 of them are Elon Musk links with no context that the fucker won’t embed. It’s beyond a joke at this stage


Any evidence for this?


Is it plausible to be using them though? 75% of those asked?

Saying that every civilian was asked an opinion or gave one to that question is pie in the sky stuff.

Bit unfair to be throwing it around tbh

Only 13% of people in the UK think the UK Government should be supporting Israel.


The power Israel yield and lobby they possess in international politics is frightening

Hadn’t seen that. Any polls in Germany?

Watched this earlier.

You can’t help but feel insiders in Israel have worked to block peace at every juncture whilst the influence of Iran in Lebanon & general Arab hatred of the Israelis is driving Hamas.

It’s such a pity Rabin was assassinated as Arafat respected him and they may just have accomplished the goal of a legitimate peace agreement.

Those pesky jews… for shame…

You’d want to be doing some mental gymnastics to end up supporting this


This type of discourses and worse now seems common across Israeli society. I mentioned this before, I don’t know how they get talked back down to level approaching “normal”.

The Israeli view is consistent with what the Allies did after WW2 which was completely dismantle the Nazi state and apparatus so that what happened wouldn’t happen again. As part of this the Allies introduced the concept of crimes against humanity and other war crimes. These concepts are now being used to attack Israel but Israel is allowed to go beyond defending itself and is allowed to seek complete military defeat of its enemy. It’s horrific but if we had social media in 1944 and 1945 what happened to Germans would have been horrific.

Ultimately it’s probably not going to serve Israel well as Hamas can respawn elsewhere and Israel actions will now lead to whataboutery about the holocaust.

This is apparently from a public broadcaster


It’s quite clear the Israelis are a deranged bunch and the awkward crew on here are disgracing themselves trying to justify their actions.


The Palestinians have the wrong skin colour and religion, unfortunately for them