A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Very dacent of uncle joe to state that there are no restrictions placed on how the Israelis use the shells he’s providing.

You’ve lads on here who said you can’t negotiate with Putin in the same way as you can’t negotiate with Nazis and Putin must be destroyed and removed even if that risked a nuclear war.

They now argue for negotiation with Hamas.

I’m starting to think these same lads don’t really believe anything you argue as the underlying logic never holds up.

How do you think this mooted deal to release 53 hostages is coming about? Israel negotiating with Hamas, you dimwit.

Mad that you’re now actively railing against the release of Israeli hostages. Then again, if one was had had to guess which poster would do that because they thought it make them look smart, most people would have guessed it would be yourself.

Great news for those families. A ten month old hostage beggars belief.


So you now approve of negotiating with Hamas.

You’re all over the place.

Don’t expect to much- the same lads who demanded that the west bomb moscow are now taking exception to the bombing of gaza.
They’ll adopt a different position tomorrow.

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They didn’t want to negotiate a peace with Putin although prisoner exchanges happened so presumably they are ok with that.

These lads wanted to risk a nuclear war to defeat Putin. That could have killed every child on the planet but that was deemed an acceptable risk.

Civilian populations are killed in war. It’s horrific. It happens. Germany was denied food for years after WW2.

Some of us have been consistent on this and are able to see nuances. Israel probably cannot defeat Hamas militarily and are storing up all sorts of issues but in war you are allowed to attempt to destroy your enemy and their ability to make war and if that involves killing civilians then that is what a country at war will do.

They exhibit the unshakeable confidence and self unawareness that only the truly stupid carry.

Two prize examples just above this post.

Haaretz today.

It looks like the Irish girl, Emily Hand, is on the list of hostages due to be released.


Full list here - hard to believe so many kids were taken hostage in the first place.

The real hope would be that the initial 4 day truce can be extended on as the release of hostages takes some of the heat out of the situation. It’ll surely be much harder for Israel to restart bombardment now.

Great news.

But, for what reason had Israel so many Palestinian women and children in their prisons?

They usually have hundreds of child hostages , sorry, “prisoners”. Often detained without trial.

The Irish Times view on fighting in Sudan: the world stands idly by

It’s a good question and I haven’t seen much detail on it. Do you know if it’s from recent weeks or much longer than that?

Long term. Probably in around 150-200 in prison at a given time but that doesn’t count those detained by the military.

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Stone throwing is a serious offence in Israel

Often the punishment is death.

The emotional journey that the family have been on beyond what anyone should have to experience


People need to shut up and stop complaining about genocide.