A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

He is a psychopath. An Australian-born Ultra-Zionist. A moder day Goebbels, or Lord Haw Haw

He came to prominence during the 2008/09 Israeli bombing of Gaza.

Heā€™s normally very calm and assured when talking. I was surprised how he lost his cool in that interview with McInerney. I think itā€™s because on a deep level within him he knows full well heā€™s defending the completely indefensible and is coming across as a Lord Haw Haw.

At this stage, the Nazi comparisons to Israel are entirely fair game, because theyā€™re deeply accurate. And Israel knows they are accurate, and so does every other propagandist out there who performatively reaches for the absurd ā€œanti-Semiteā€ line every time Israel receives even the remotest criticism.

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Lads on here will tell you Jews are anti Semitic. The mental gymnastics are mind boggling.

Same lads wanted to nuke Moscow.

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What we are witnessing is evil manifest. Iā€™ve often pondered the metaphysical reality of genuine evil, questioning its objective existence versus being a subjective construct of the human ego. After 45 years on this planet my unequivocal realization is that evil burgeons into formidable potency in the company of like-minded individuals. It undergoes a transformative process, evolving into an autonomous entity with the capacity for substantial momentum and expansive growth.


The Nazis believed they were the master race.

Russia believes it has a God-given right to rule over wherever it once ruled at any point in history.

Israel believes the Jews are the chosen people.

It is the absurd ideas that are the problem. When people believe such absurd ideas, they can be moved to commit any barbarity in the name of these ideas and believe they are justified.

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Iā€™m thinking their phds were probably in ā€˜equitability through danceā€™, ā€˜post modern archaeologyā€™ or climate changeā€¦


Watched the hearing last night, compelling viewing. All witnesses are either presidents or senior academics of leading US universtities, and all parroted the mantra of being committed to free speech to defend naked racism and violence towards Jews on campuses. Including the president of Harvard who rank last of the 120 largest US universitis on freedom of speech, it is literally satire.

Yet all have prresided over the firing or removal of academics over the past few years for ā€œwrong thinkā€ or criticism of the woke agenda. Roland Fryer, a black tenured professor at Harvard, was suspended for two years and had his lab closed down last year. His research challenged the woke narrative and was critical of the research of some of his colleagues. The reasom for his suspension? Flirting with a graduate student a decade ago, an accusation that was dismissed att the time. Harvard reopened the investigation and guess who presided over it? You guessed it, the academics he was critical of. If it happened to a woke academic it would righly be called out as a lynching.

Jewsih students are now afraid to go to classes at Harvard and other Ivy league schools, due to the threats and reality of verbal and physical violence. Mobs of pro Hamas students and academics marching through campuses chanting for intifada. And these ā€œleadersā€ defend their right to do it, while at the same time firing academics who dare criticise their woke narrative.

If Trump wins next year, this is precisely why he will win, people atre fed up of woke bullshit and hypocricy driven by far left headbangers.


Imagine those questions being asked about African Americans and the same answers being given.

It seems itā€™s ok to dehumanise Jews. Thereā€™s a reason the holocaust was allowed to happen to Jewish people. Posts on here are nakedly anti Semitic and nobody seems to mind.


Demonizing Jews is a favorite pasttime of the left, think Jeremy Corbyn a long time hero of leftist headbangers on this site.


Pro-Israel Jews are scared witless due to Muslims and other people being too publicly anti-genocide.

Pity about them. Maybe everybody who is anti-genocide should carry a massive trigger warning cover over their face so as not to offend those who are pro-genocide.

Some turn up that the biggest pro-Israel nut on this forum is also its chief lover and defender of hatred of Jews.

Some turn up that Israel is now the biggest spreader of actual Holocaust denial on earth.

You prove every time you post here that you would have been actively on the side of the Holocaust of the Jewish people.

Like all of your scummy ilk, youā€™re either too thick to see that, or just a plain old liar about what you are.

Corbyn never demonised Jews.

Meanwhile your heroes are the global fascists including Elon Musk and Donald Trump who openly demonise Jews and spread anti-Jewish conspiracies like the ā€œGreat Replacementā€ and ā€œKalergi planā€.

You are a fucking rabid anti-Semite and a vicious racist and white supremacist in general.


I donā€™t think any of them defended violence against Jewish people on campus, but as you were.

Condemning the abhorrent behaviour of the state of Israel is not anti-Semitic any more than Hamas is the same thing as Gaza.


But thatā€™s not what these protesters are doing on US campuses, they are openly calling for the destruction of the state of Israel and itā€™s replacement by a medieval Islamic state.

Hamas are the ruling entity in Gaza and control everything, including all the news you read coming out of Gaza. 80% of Palestinians not just in Gaza but in the West bank support what occured on October 7th.

Where have people on US university campuses been calling for the establishment of a medieval Islamic state in Israel?

You are openly supporting a genocide.


Maybe watch the hearing and educate yourself? Basically what they are saying is calling for the destruction of the state of Israel and genocide of Jews is abhorrant but allowed under their free speech doctrine, it only violates their code of conduct if you actually kill a Jew.

Keep in mind these are the same people who fired academics and expelled students for ā€œmicroaggressionā€, as in someone felt uncomfortable by their speech.

You call for the destruction of the state of Northern Ireland.

So you have no objection to destroying states.