A new low for Israel. How low can they go?



It’s her own fault

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The Israeli ambassador made a very strong case on Pat Kenny yesterday about the fake news coming out of Gaza . Apparently 50% of gazans are men so the news of women and children being hurt or killed are mathematically impossible in the numbers being reported .

Maybe she also argues that it was mathematically impossible that such a large percentage of people who died in Nazi controlled territory during World War II would turn out to be Jews?

Children make up 47 percent of Gaza’s population, according to UNICEF.

Is Israel’s Gaza war the deadliest conflict for children in modern times? | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera.

Ah jaysus

FFS. The same woman who said ten percent of UNWRA is hamas.

She actually also said what happened at the hospital was humanitarian from the idf pov. They set up a new generator after levelling the place but the western media won’t talk about that

Did she also offer to sell you some magic beans?


Mossad don’t like Irish people protesting so they have a nice little plan to try and cause chaos

Why is the New York Times employing some randomer who makes up stories and endorses posts calling for Gaza to be “turned into a slaughterhouse”?

Is the US media climate really that insane in its hatred for Palestinians? This is a rhetorical question, obviously.

You’d think the New York Times would have learned from the 1930s when their star correspondent Walter Duranty outright denied Stalin’s genocide of Ukrainians. Then again I suppose they’re not the only people to forget history.


Ah lad FFS.

None of the people who go on about “fake news” media will pull the New York Times up for this because they support fake news when it comes to enabling and whitewashing genocide by Israel.

An absolute fucking disgrace.


I think that just proves the point you have refuted for years tbh. They have an editorial line and will push it no matter what or who they employ to do so.
The definition of fake news

An editorial line does not equal fake news.

It is bias towards particular political ideologies which equal support for fake news.

Support for Trump, support for Russia and support for Israel’s genocide and decades long oppression of Palestinians are all indivisible from support for fake news in the same way support for Nazi Germany was indivisible from support for fake news.

The point I have continually made is that Israel is the malignant cancerous tumour in the rectum of the west, and is compromising and blackmailing the west and its major institutions both from without and from within. As long as it does so, the west and its institutions which are supposed to be about freedom, democracy and truth, will continue to decline and support for the charlatans who want them to collapse will continue to rise.

Interests cannot trump values, because the surest way to destroy your own interests is by throwing out the values you claim to hold.

Aaron Bushnell of the US air force sets himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington. He’s dead.

“I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

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Unfortunately the Israelis won’t give a fuck. The video sums up American law enforcement. Yer man, the poor fella, is probably dead on the ground, and some cop is pointing his gun at him. Some other guy yells “I need fire extinguishers, not guns”.

Apparently it was security for the Israeli embassy who was pointing the gun.

Israel doesn’t give a fuck in the same way Trump and Trumpism doesn’t give a fuck, Putin and Russia doesn’t give a fuck and Hitler and Nazi Germany didn’t give a fuck.

All of these things were/are founded on evil and the propagation of any lie to inflict evil on others.

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There’s far more than Israel unfortunately.