A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

They’re absolutely bonkers.

That article leaves out the bizarre situation of the non-jewish non-israeli mayor labelling the Jewish Israeli man antisemitic.

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Probably the funniest bit is that the Mayor of Berlin castigated the speeches on his Twitter machine yet was caught on camera applauding them.

Real life David Brent stuff.

Except it’s not funny

Grand bit of Israeli propoganda on RTE 2 now

Fucking unbelievable. The absolute neck on rte feeding us this shit.

There must be no on/off buttons on these lads tellies :man_shrugging:t2:

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A right-wing Israeli mob came to my family’s home yesterday to search for me, threatening close family members who fled to another town in the middle of the night. I am still getting death threats and had to cancel my flight home. This happened after Israeli media and German politicians absurdly labeled my Berlinale award speech - where I called for equality between Israelis and Palestinians, a ceasefire and an end to apartheid - as ‘antisemitic’. The appalling misuse of this word by Germans, not only to silence Palestinian critics of Israel, but also to silence Israelis like me who support a ceasefire that will end the killing in Gaza and allow the release of the Israeli hostages - empties the word antisemitism of meaning and thus endangers Jews all over the world. As my grandmother was born in a concentration camp in Libya and most of my grandfather’s family was murdered by Germans in the holocaust, I find it particularly outraging that German politicians in 2024 have the audacity to weaponize this term against me in a way that endangered my family. But above all else, this behavior puts Palestinian co-director Basel Adra’s life in danger, who lives under a military occupation surrounded by violent settlements in Masafer Yatta. He is in far greater danger than I am. I’m happy our award winning film, No Other Land, is sparking an important international debate on this issue - and I hope that millions of people watch it when it comes out this year. Sparking a conversation is why we made it. You can have harsh criticism of what me and Basel said on stage without demonizing us. If this is what you’re doing with your guilt for the holocaust - I don’t want your guilt.

Anyone see the soldier who set himself on fire?

I think that was a fake video, Ian Miles Chong on twtiier said it was

I saw it. Twas fake?

I saw it meself and had doubts but they were dispelled because as soon as yer man turned black from the flames, there was someone there to point a gun at him.


Have the Palestinians given up the hostages yet?

There is no limit to the depravity, there is no bottom.

20 Bloody Sundays in Derry every day for the last 145 days.




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Would presume he means the IDF.

He meant the victims.

The IDF are a mob for sure but there are far harsher and even more accurate terms to describe them as.


RTE Morning Ireland’s language in its reporting on Israel’s genocide of Gaza and the massacre the other day is so pathetic. They could scarcely bend over any further backwards to frame things sympathetically to Israel.

Israel is also a known haven for paedophiles.
