A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

“The Hamas-run Palestinian health ministry”, as they regularly say

Nice to see so many Palestinian flags at Dublin v Derry in Celtic Park


Good article here. Can’t copy paste all of it, someone else might.

Where Judaism is messy and contested, she writes, Germans demand order and insist that Jews “exist purely from a German position … as a German projection”.

“Jews in Germany are a uniform idea,” she says over lunch in Berlin, “but as soon as we become pluralistic, we disrupt the idea of Jewishness to which Germans are very attached, an idea deeply influenced by anti-Semitic tropes and references.”

Such scepticism of Germans’ opinions are commonplace among many Jews here. Feldman goes further, however, by linking this to postwar German-Israel ties which she views as a transactional, exoneration-loyalty complex.

It opens ok, but there’s way too many big words there for me.


I see Robbie Keane and his team were playing in Athens, here are their savages of fans enjoying the day out.


Like Aussies and Kiwis, Fake Europeans. Isn’t the middle east supposed to be the cradle of civilisation?

What has that to do with anything?

I see she has now deleted that reply.

Covering her eyes with Gucci handbags.


She does some covering for him given he has a super injunction

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Simon Schama running with the Palestinian World Conspiracy angle now.


Pankaj Mishra is a very (to my mind at least) important writer. He’s produced a quite stunning piece about Gaza “ The Shoah after Gaza”.

It’s very considered, intelligent writing, meticulously researched and enlightening. This is a long essay ( an hour’s reading). Well worth the time investment, I doubt you’ll find better on the subject of this genocide.


Mishra presenting the essay as a lecture

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This wanker Mayweather