A new low for Israel. How low can they go?



Our Jeremy sitting right behind him.

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The language of the protestors is confusing and not working.

It should be ‘stop killing civilians’ and that’s it.

‘free palestine’ is a broad political aim that will take a long time to set up. It just muddies an urgent crisis.

‘genocide’ again is too broad a concept. You could argue ethnic cleansing.

‘apartheid’ isn’t even great as it’s a contested term, that arguably foes but arguably doesn’t apply, and ends up sounding like a buzzword.

Focus should be on highlighting the innocent civilians killed. As long as Israel can claim hostages are held, it gives them free rein. (disregarding all the hostages/prisoners Israel has taken) Catch 22 for Hamas really.

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Biden will send him a strongly worded email if he’s not careful.
(Along with weapons)


It’s a plan that will require a lot of concentration.


Appropriate name for the winning scorer.


Dear Podence, won’t you come out to play?
Dear Podence, you prefer to play away
They were 4-1 up, thought they were through
But your early goal destroyed the Jews
Dear Podence, you came out to play

Dear Podence, an Arab in disguise
Dear Podence, punished Israel’s lies
You laid them low, the fans will sing
That you are part of everything
Dear Podence, winning Europa Conference ties

You put them out, put them out, them out them out
Put them out, put them out, them out, them out
Put them out, put them out, them out them out them out
Aaahhh aaaahh haaaaa

Dear Podence, let me see you smile
Dear Podence, like a little child
You scored a goal, for the winning team
You rightly fucked up Robbie Keane
Dear Podence, Maccabi Tel Aviv are vile

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A very good read, thanks for that. Didn’t know efforts to change Israel from Jewish campaigners and holocaust survivors were so strong in the 70s. And paradoxically it’s far worse and more powerful and more immune to criticism they’ve gotten while the criticism is probably weaker.


Do people like this just wake up every morning and think to themselves “how can I be completely vile and evil today?”.

Yes, and there are posters here who adore them for it.

Theres a few bullies on here who act very similar sadly.

My next-door neighbour does.
It’s his sole function in life.
Greed and money are key.

So what happens now after the UN declaration and the Israelis are still bombing Gaza?


Mainly it increases pressure on Israel, in reality they will defy it and there’s no way of compelling them to stop.

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Only attack them, and that’s not going to happen.

Yeah basically. The US could bring a lot of pressure to bear and I can’t understand why they don’t appear to have done before now. They’ve shifted a bit now and have mentioned reviewing whether Israel is using the weapons it gives them in line with the conditions agreed, which means in line with international law. Laughable at this stage but it is a change. The EU could suspend free trade with Israel - Ireland and Spain requested a review of the agreement. But it would need the agreement of all 27 which seems unlikely.

The bigger the EU gets, the harder it is to get anything agreed.