A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I don’t know. The EU is making great strides on lots of things. On Israel there are different perspectives from some other countries for obvious reasons. The real problems on Israel are Austria and Czech republic which are basically just mouthpieces for Netanyahu’s fascist government.

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Why should a trade organisation have any say in wars that don’t affect them? This idea of EU single position is just simply another America in a different guise

Kinda showing up your own ignorance with that question aren’t you?

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Thanks pal, it seemed like they were gonna call a ceasefire there and start singing kumbaya but good to know hotter heads prevailed

US resupplying a fascist genocidal government with 9000 pound bombs, after they running out of them from dropping them on populated areas. It’s fucking sick.




Iranian commander killed in Damascus by Israeli airstrike


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Apropos of nothing. But there are some amount of hospitals in Gaza considering it’s population is about same as county corks

That’s a fairly serious step up in hostilities. Bombing an embassy isn’t far off a declaration of war

The population of Gaza is about double the population of Dublin

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I googled it before hand but the population for Gaza city not the whole place came up :see_no_evil: Was thinking it was low.


Tis a great thread for keeping abreast of what the spectator index is tweeting today

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I reckon it’s all going to kick off now

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Another surgical strike

They were probably trying to blow up a hospital at the time.

They’ve really shown up how toothless the UN is

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Is it time to get back under the bed?