A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

All that education and they can’t spell for toffee.:grin:

I knew those fuckin Palatines would be behind it

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A proper college.

This Laszlo lad is a great bit of stuff.

Larry Donnelly (the cunt) thinks Laszlo will be embarrassed in 20 years time.

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Larry meets the definition of the term “shitlib” better than anybody in the world I can think of.


Lazzo can’t spell.

Hardly surprising when he’s a fellow alumni of intellectual heavyweight Bojo.

Larrys a ballbag, surfing on his wife’s coattails


He’ll be grand, he’ll get a job as some politicians assistant. As is the case with all SU politicians of whatever flavour.

Get donating

Why have the SU leadership rolled out the red carpet to Assad shill Daly?


Life comes at you pretty fast for the tfk awkward squad

The assault of Rafah has begun

Big win for the students, fair play to them.


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Well said.


American Jews? Balkan Jews? Irish Jews? Or just all of them Tim?

Cos protests seems pretty pointed at Israel from my read and seem shes the one raising the Jewish aspect.

And any reports of jews of any kind being targetted?


Tonight in Jerusalem a former advisor of mine was arrested with brutal and unthinkable violence. It is the default and disaster government that abandons the abductees, and now uses harsh violence against law-abiding citizens like Yifatah, who exercise their right and call for a deal to return the abductees.



