A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I think youā€™re fairly blind if you canā€™t see how some of the Pro Palestinian protests bleeds into this.

The PLFP flag flying outside the front of Trinity is not going to inspire any Jew about their safety there.

Conflating Jews and Israelis. Thereā€™s many would say thatā€™s antisemitic.

Is the Israeli flag ok?

Is that ā€œsome bleedingā€ enough to justice fanning the flames of outright fear?

I pass the jewish synagogue in Terenure fairly regularly. Not a single mark scraubbed on the walls nor.people protesting outside it. I see peaceful protest activity outside the israeli embassy tho.

Fan the flames tho

I think it says a lot about a person if they ignore an actual genocide and choose to instead focus on demonising people protesting against genocide for not being perfect in every way.

Nope- Iā€™d suggest you read up on the background of the PLFP and why they proscribed as a terror organisation by the EU.

Iā€™d also suggest looking at comments even by moderates like Abbas which absolutely were anti Semitic.

I donā€™t particularly understand why supporting people in Gaza and criticising Israel requires the Palestinian flag, but the PLFP is all the more bizarre.

It seems to be in the same way that criticism of Israel is conflated entirely with anti semitism that any criticism of elements of the pro Palestinian support is met with incredulity.

In fairness, I donā€™t think the Trinity SU can filter every single type of flag and person who comes on these protests. I also suspect they donā€™t really understand it either- indeed them all standing around listening to Clare Daly when they were supposed to be opposing genocide was pretty funny.

I disagree that genocides are not advertised. They are consistently advertised. The Nazis did it, the Chinese do it, the Russians do it, the Israelis do it. What is more pertinent is that genocides are advertised by the perpetrators and self styled ā€œsensible peopleā€ in the west gaslight that these genocides are not being advertised and are not happening.


Thereā€™s a strong history and contemporary evidence of anti-Semitism where the President of the SU is from.

Youā€™re deluded. If there is nothing daubed, it is because they have 24/7 security and regular Garda patrols. There is a reason why there is a Guard stationed outside of the Embassy and why the Guards send down horseback and have the ERU on standby.

To deny there is anti semitisim is frankly bizarre.

But that isnā€™t the point really, the point is that just like the state of Israel has horrible elements- so too does the Pro Palestine movement.

Trinity were basically taken hostage by a group of kids who let anyone and everyone onto campus to ā€œprotestā€.

Iā€™m not suggesting for a second that he is.

Iā€™m also not suggesting that the vast majority of protestors were not well meaning.

Sorry, what is done to and outside the synagogue, the jewish faith centre?

This is a very racist post. Firstly it displays total ignorance of the SU Presidentā€™s background.

He didnā€™t grow up in Hungary. He was born in Austria to Hungarian parents before moving to Brussels at a young age. He is not from Hungary.

Itā€™s also spectacular racism to automatically deem somebody anti-Semitic just by dint of coming from a particular country (a country this person doesnā€™t even come from).

Incidentally the fascist, anti-Semitic Hungarian regime of Viktor Orban is a firm ally of Israel.

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There is 24 hour security. For many years there has been various flair ups.

I donā€™t understand your game here- are you denying there is anti semitism out there? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I donā€™t need recommended reading, thank you. I just wondered if you had the same concern about the Israeli flag. You do?

You - and the student you reposted - appear ok with conflating Jews and Israel. Not cool.

Totally agree on that headbanger Daly.

To good effect.

Are you saying that the Israeli flag is the same as the PLFP one?

I would say it is safe to say if Trinity had Israeli flags out the windows and then capitulated to said grouping that Palestinians wouldnā€™t feel very welcome. Would you?

Dunnes Stores in Henry Street was basically taken hostage by a group of workers who wouldnā€™t handle South African produce.

Those workers must be so, so embarrassed about their carry on 40 years later.

Itā€™ll make absolutely zero difference but drive away Israelis and Jews from listening to what they have to say.

Makes you feel good for a few mins, thatā€™s about it.

The truth is that nobody has the stomach for an ā€œoutcomeā€ or new settlement. Thatā€™s why it doesnā€™t happen.

Im saying that on these shores, its the state of Israel people have issue with, not the jewish people. They are not one and the same no matter how much some try to twist and tangle it.

You donā€™t speak for everyone.

There is quite clearly anti semitism, this is obvious and trying to deny it is bizarre.

That is not to say the overwhelming majority who protest are not anti semitic.

Again, this is the inverse of Israel screaming every is anti semitic. Denying that there unsavoury elements within these marches and movements is just plain silly.