A new low for Israel. How low can they go?



Robert Maxwell died in 1991 and was given an elaborate Israeli state funeral. Pisar, allegedly the last person to see Maxwell alive, became Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer.

When I learned Biden had selected Blinken for Sec of State, I was horrified. Even if Blinken were an honorable man – which he is not – it is too easy to compromise someone raised by the best friend of one of Israel’s most notorious spies and mafiosos.

I’ve been discussing this for three years, dreading the time when Blinken would defend the indefensible in Israel, for that seemed the most logical reason he was installed in the Biden admin.


Blinken has the kind of ties that would disqualify him for a security clearance for a high-level foreign policy position in normal circumstances.

For me, I have a problem with the Israeli government and the IDF, not Jews. The very same as I have an issue with the IRA and not the Irish or the UDF and not Ulster Scots.


Tim is literally making the argument that anybody who opposed the actions of the Provos was automatically anti-all Northern Catholics.

Life comes at you fast, as somebody above said.

“The real evil is not genocide perpetrated by Israel. The real evil is western student protestors against Israeli genocide.”

I don’t deny that there may be antisemitism but I’ve not seen any examples of it at all. Oliver Sears has had a number of articles in the Irish times alleging antisemitism in Ireland but hasn’t given any examples. Actually he gave one example but it was complete nonsense.

That’s your view, which you’re entitled to. I would disagree.

You’ve not answered the question again.

Your second point seems muddled and confused and doesn’t make any sense.

What timeframe are you talking about?

We really are at the point where people have determined to deny any element of the anti Israel / Pro Palestine movement. As I said, as bad as Israel claiming all criticism is anti semitic.

I think it’s fairly telling that someone like you would deny the lived experience of Jews in Ireland. You wouldn’t say it for any other minority in Ireland, but will happily say it about Jews. Why?

Anyway, you still haven’t answered my question. Would you say that Palestinians would feel accepted at Trinity if Israeli flags were waved from the windows and Trinify capitulated?

He’s written about four op-eds since last October and at least one other letter to the editor and he’s said there’s been a huge increase in antisemitism in Ireland since then. I am extremely dubious about his contention because he repeats debunked pro-israeli talking points/propaganda, doesn’t appear to understand much of what he comments on (genocide) and the single example of antisemitism he did give was quite evidently no such thing.

I’ve never denied the lived experience of Jews, that’s a nonsense statement.

There’s a fair bit of exceptionalism and Israeli propaganda going on from yer man the rabbi and the other lad there. Actually just got the end of it where he talks about Palestinian refugees, laughable really.

What’s the point of your hypothetical question about flags? It doesn’t make any sense.

You would not do this to any other minority and you know this well.

You are absolutely denying that experience- “not one example”. Again, you know well that you wouldn’t say such a thing to any other minority.

You are the type to get into semantics over “from the river to the sea”

It is pretty obvious why Jews feel threatened by this chant, but yet we still have people in the West making excuses for it.

Denying anti semitism and the lived experience of Jews in Ireland and in the West seems to be the new thing. I’m sure it’s not malicious, just the usual refusal to accept that X or Y isn’t black or white.

And that is normal.

But it is quite obvious there is unsavoury elements.

This denial of that is both hilarious and unhelpful.

It’s a thorny area because Israel has been very successful in conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism. The lads there referred to the IHRA definition of antisemitism which is highly problematic and does just that.

It isn’t “thorny”.

You are verging into the old “conspiracy” when referencing the lived experience of Jews in Ireland.

You wouldn’t demand that from the LGBT, coloured, traveller or whatever other minority.

And you know it.

What’s a better word than thorny, complicated? I don’t even think it’s that difficult. Antisemitism like any racism or prejudice is unacceptable. Conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism is also unacceptable. The examples appended to the IHRA definition of antisemitism are unacceptable.

It isn’t thorny.

There is lived experiences of Jews who have experienced anti semitism.

You are demanding them to prove this.

You wouldn’t do it for any other minority.

You know why.

The antisemitism on display in this thread and this country in general is disgusting.

Israel has a right to defend itself.

Return the hostages.

I didn’t think it would be Macklemore (forgot he existed) that would be dropping a protest song



So you say. I’ve not denied that. I’ve just not seen any examples of it. The only examples I have seen offered are false and the people offering them also repeat Israeli propaganda.

So much so that jews should feel fear for their lives in trinity? Any evidence? Or evidence of jews being physically attacked anywhere on the island?

Youre a great man for stoking religious tensions Tim, seems a hobby sport of yours

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There is an anti-Semitism industrial complex. The irony is that this anti-Semitism industrial complex ignores real anti-Semitism because it doesn’t actually care about real anti-Semitism, only about criticism of Israel.

The anti-Semitism industrial complex is happy to ally with real anti-Semites like Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Viktor Orban and the various European far right parties which have their roots in Nazism, because they now support Israel.

The anti-Semitism industrial complex is the enemy of Jews.