A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

And you laughing at a bomb where two young boys were killed.

So fuck off with the performative outrage about me calling something ā€œremarkableā€ (definition - worthy of attention) that the whole world is discussing and is unprecedented.

You were coming in your pants over an appalling act of terrorism here. The fact you have reacted so angrily to being called out on it tells its own story.


But theyā€™re ā€œrespectableā€ terrorists, and thus their terrorism is to be marvelled at with a child like wondrous innocence.

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At least we at last got you to admit the IRA were terrorists who killed and maimed children without justification. So thatā€™s growth for you.

That Zionist rag the Guardian share my view and even borrow the adjective of audacity in their headline.

cc @binkybarnes

Youā€™re fair rattled at being called out on this. Firing all sorts of mud.

The Guardian is indeed in many ways a Zionist rag. It consistently frames issues on terms and language favourable to Israel. It uses the passive voice for Palestinian victims but the active voice for the much smaller number of Israeli victims, as pretty much the entirety of the worldā€™s media does.

Not at all. I simply dismantled your po faced performative outrage post.

Next time read the words on the page before you internally combust.

Have a nice evening.

Freedom fighters.

But apparently Jew-hating Israel propagandist Elon Musk will help them.

So audacious, so ingenious.


Itā€™s shite being continually proved right.


So will Israel be setting off bombs in the libraries of Columbia and Berkeley and Trinity College Dublin, for that matter?

Now that the terms of the engagement have been set? That anybody Israel deems a ā€œterroristā€ can simply be blown up at will in a public place?



Dunphys lad on The Stand reckons theyā€™re dealing with a far greater force than in Gaza.

Senator Tom is deeply worried this time.

Sounds like if trump gets in we are facing a nuclear war.

Iā€™d say Israel have knobbled them a fair bit in recent months. Hezzbollah has been launching 10s of rockets every day and Israeli airstrikes took out a few large weapons stores. Combined with a dismantling of their comms infrastructure, itā€™s hard to see Hezzbollah putting up a very effective resistance.

It wonā€™t be urban warfare either, with a lot of that southern area being open farmland so aerial superiority will make it easier again.

I agree. The peace and tranquility the Middle East has had under the current US administration is really in jeopardy


The opposite Iā€™d say. He has no interest in war. The Dems have shown over the last twenty or so years that they are now the party of war. Plus putting a woman in the white house will signal the further weakening of the west.

Iā€™d say trump is mostly to Blame for pretty much everything bad happening right now in the Middle East and Russia / Ukraine.