A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

That’s some military service from my family.
Grandfather took on Hitler.
Father took on Israel.
I took on Clonmel.

You’ve lads ( glas, cheasty, mike Hunt) that talk and talk and talk. You’ve others that just get out and do it.


God bless them all for their bravery and service

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Thank you for your service

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moving to cark would be braver than taking on clonmel

Thank you mate. :purple_heart: You’re the bravest man I know.


lt GIF

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He is changing to project delivery management now. Apparently bike sheds are in demand and people to build them

I saw a comment that Hezzbollah is now being run by people, who up to last week, weren’t important enough to get a pager

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This is why we need to increase defence spending


Oh yes, a no man’s land which they’ll fill with Israeli settlers. Cromwell will be smiling up from below.

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It’s up to about 500 dead and 1,600 injured now. I think it’s safe to say that Israel have lost the plot.

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Could be an ideal summer holiday for a few Lads on here.


They’ll get no luck for it.

That’s gas. Like the time the yanks wouldn’t let the Irish on to their planes to check out the cargo but assured them they were not carrying prisoners or weapons through Shannon airport, so it was ok then with paddy.

The Zionist Jew has thoroughly embodied his stereotype over the past year … arrogant, repulsive, unlikable, bloodthirsty, deceitful and utterly devoid of shame.

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Anybody actually work with an Israeli or have experiences of them ?

Met loads of them travelling in my day, they would go after their conscription. Didn’t meet one I liked.

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