A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Kenya provided assistance to the Israelis and he tried to have every Kenyan in Uganda murdered.

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Hungary, the cunts, blocked the EU saying anything about the conflict. Anything at all, vague calls for peace even, Hungary blocked. Thatā€™s whatā€™s youā€™re dealing with.

Hungary is also the most anti-Semitic regime in Europe. Well, either them or the Poles, like.

Strangely enough, or not, Israel has great relations with them.

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A few of the anti- racist woke lads could do with reading this book.

Criticism of Israel has nothing to do with Jews.

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quite night , few rounds earlier in the far south but it looks like as discussed yesterday we are done with this one ā€¦
nothing achieved only a population in gaza more radicalised and the young working class in Israel are now more divided along the lines of jrw and arab rather than secular and religious
.victory for Hamas ,bibi and his pal Ben gvir.

Iā€™ve made a very key point there and folk who donā€™t know the state wonā€™t be able to appreciate it ā€¦but a key part of bibi creating a stable right wing block is to unite the secular working class and the religious population internally in the country.
The mass protests against the haridim (religious) do Netanyahu no good as Likud need themā€¦what he has done is geniusā€¦he got itamar ben gvir whose party espouse the teachings of meir kahane ( kach are banned in the bloody state ) into into the knesset under the guise of a rainbow religious coalitionā€¦and what does he to ? he provokes the arabs 2 weeks ago, sets a few sithole cities like Lod on fire and here we are.

so for the working class, Ben gvirā€™s stock is rising and the religious who they hate as they want to bring in so many draconian restrictions now seem a better option than potentially having a centrist government with arabs part of the coalitionā€¦

what will the opposition do now, Labour, yesh atid and ayelet shakeds ultra nationalistic very secular party were in talks to for a coalition with the Arab partiesā€¦can this now work given the amount of racial tension that has been stirred up in the last week?Äŗ

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Good book

Yid lover

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President Joe does it again


The US sends them $4bn a year, they use a decent chunk of that to buy arms from the US. So basically the US is subsidising its own arms industry. The arms industry then makes so much money from Israel that they lobby heavily on israels behalf with the US government preventing any arms embargo or reduction in money being sent to Israel. A lot of jobs are obviously tied into this relationship in manufacturing companies as well.

So not only does Israel get free money and basically free arms, it also gets free lobbying on its behalf to continue to get free money and free arms. Pretty genius

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And they get a pound (or two) of Palestinian flesh.

They can do what they want sure theyā€™ve them all in their pockets

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USaid numbers are interesting - last year the US gave Israel i think in the region of 3 billion USD, but they also give egypt and jordan just shy of 2 billion and that is very much overlooked in a discussion on sameā€¦ Afghanistan and Iraq Iā€™m assuming gets the most.


The money they give to Jordan is so theyā€™ll keep the Palestinian and in more recent years Syrian refugees.
The money they give to Egypt is literally a donā€™t invade Israel bribe.
If anything those figures should be added on top of the total US bill for Israel.
Not to mention all the money it spends on fucking over Iran on Israels behalf.
An argument could be made that Israel is at least partly behind the decision to invade Iraq in the first place also


ah jesus . the Egypt and Jordan money is to ensure the brutal status quo remains in place in both statesā€¦the Jordanians have a very unique way of handling the Palestinian issue and the Egyptian money is from the days of Mubarak who like Assad in Syria until 2011 kept an absolute madhouse in control.

the last thing and I mean the last thing an Arab country needs is a democracy. they simply canā€™t handle it. saving face in the arab world is a huge thing and the concept of accepting people wonā€™t vote for you is impossibleā€¦I actually believe no arab country has a functioning democracyā€¦in 2011 the whole arab spring nonsense saw mubarak et al overthrown but there simply was no alternative, arabs canā€™t sit down and have elections so there was a power vacuum and that gave rise to things like ISIL and over Islamic fundamentalist orgsā€¦
so where are we now. back to where we were pre the 2011 hiatusā€¦ Egypt and Jordan are basically dictatorships, any disententers are shot but it remains peacefulā€¦us have no problem with that


Youā€™ll have to blame the good olā€™ USA for everything or this wonā€™t work, lads need a black hat here.

What is it with Limerick people and their hatred for Jews?

Why canā€™t you separate state from religion?

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