A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

This seems little different to what has gone on in the US, and many other places.

All the same techniques at play - especially the portrayal of anybody on the “left” or centre as “anti-Israeli” (read anti-American, or anti-British or anti-Indian or anti-Hungarian or anti-Russian for that matter).

yeah because a unique thing in Israel is the widening secular haredim divide that over the last 10 years because a huge issue.
As Likud tried to hold on to a majority the religious parties and now we see ultra nationalistic fringes began to hold a sway of power so Bibi made huge concessions to the Haredim as he needed them for a coalition…parts of Jerusalem were completely shuttered on Shabbat, you had situations were cars were being stoned by religious people as they were heading to the cinema and in upmarket secular neighbourhoods much like here and the new build 20% allocation to social housing well in Israel the Hardedim were given houses for free so instead of them being cornered away in Bnei Brak they are now in places like miskeret batya insisting cafes be closed on Saturdays…they also don’t work as the constitution allows them to study torah and they are exempt from military service so yeah they are by and large hated…Netanyahu needs to unite his working class simpleton arabs out mizrachim voter base with the Haredim to stay in power…he can do it now as I can’t in any way so Ayelet Shaked joining an Arab based coalition with the current internal unrest sparked by Ben Gvir

religious people now represent 20% or more of the population. no other country I know has a situation like this…I remember in covid when the place was locked down these guys thought it was a punishment from God so normal business went on there…the military police were rioting with them solid for about 3 weeks in march but the haredim genuinely don’t care…a horrible bunch of parasites

Yeah, this ceasefire will hold alright

Apparently the Palestinians were lobbing a few rocks while celebrating said ceasefire.

no this is the status quo and usually happens every friday - the only problem is its Al Aqsa which is the third most holy sight in Islam and is the reason why Hamas joined in as they call themselves the defenders of Al Aqsa for some reason
it wont kick off again

I assume you mean separate the state of Israel from the Jewish people, some of whom are religious and some are not. Close to 50% of Jews in Israel are secular and half of those are atheist or agnostic.

The narrative that the US is the primary reason for continued violence is very popular among pro Palestinians. But you have to ask the question what would Israel be without support from other countries. Remember that initially it wasn’t the US providing support, in 1948 it was Europe. The most important support Israel got when the Arab nations invaded was from the Czechs, it was Czech supplied aircraft that repelled the Egyptians. Without support Israel wouldn’t exist and most likely there wouldn’t have been a living Jew in the region.

This is simple stuff. Israel has the right to exist but should stop settlements in the West Bank and work towards a more secular society. They won’t cave to Islamists though nor should they.

Israel didn’t exist in 47 but has a right to exist ever since , Including all the bit by bit encroachments into Palestinian lands still going on.


Centrists in the US are pro Israel. The only ones calling for ending military support to Israel are leftists like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib who are also rabidly anti Semitic. Remember what no military support means, no missile defense so 3,000 rockets landing on civilian targets over the past few weeks.

The West Bank was governed by Jordan and Gaza governed by Eqypt from 1948 to 1967. What did they or any other Arab country do to help the Palestinians? Nothing.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are wrong and should be reversed. There are no settlements in Gaza which interestingly is where all the Iranian supplied rockets come from.

Surely this is a sensible solution


Great idea!


The Sunnis and Shiites living side by side with Russia keeping the peace? Sounds like a great plan, especially when they run out of oil and gas.


No Israel are the problem. The Middle East will be a land of peace if they would just go.

Sure what the fuck do you care about the ragheads? Your Jewish mates will be safe and living cheek by jowl with you in your country. They’ll be your lovely neighbours.

I have far more Muslim friends than Jewish friends mate, they are much better craic.

:rofl: Ah look, pal, there was a time I swallowed the “I’m really a centrist, I voted for Biden” shtick. I’m an innocent abroad. But even I can see through it now and if I can …

Well you would be wrong. You do know that outside of Arab countries there really aren’t that many Muslims fanatical about Islam. Even in Iran although 99.5% of the population are officially Muslims, only 40% identify as Muslim. I’ve actually never met an Iranian in the US who has the slightest interest in religion, far more interested in drinking and riding like the rest of us.

You’re playing the anti-Semite card again, it’s really boring and a terrible cliche.

The strange thing is I don’t remember you ever calling out any of the genuine anti-Semitism from Republicans or Tories in recent years,

Very impressive interview from the Palestinian ambassador to the UK:

I’m very glad to hear that. As far as I’m concerned the fanatics are welcome to each other. Be nice to box off 10 or 20 k sq miles of the ME and leave the fanatical Islamists/Jews/Xtians at it.


Billy Keliher speaking well on RTE 1 now on Israel/Palestine.