A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Big Persian population in the Bay Area apparently. Itā€™s long been predicted that their community will produce a nationally prominent politician but itā€™s a bit like Africaā€™s breakthrough at the World Cup, itā€™s never come to fruition. From what Iā€™ve seen of them online their politics are fairly pro-Israel, which Iā€™d put down to an anti-authoratarian reaction, much like the Cubans in Miami and also a sense of insecurity and a need to fit in. The lads Iā€™ve seen online have mostly been a very nice bunch but their politics are almost slightly embarrassing, talking about how the Persians and Jews were allies thousands of years ago and the like.

Was Andre Agassi a Califirnian Persian or whatā€™s his story?

The Persians in the US would largely detest the Islamic crew .

And fwiw they are utterly savage looking women


Americans :rollseyes:

SoCal, thereā€™s about half a million Iranians or Iranian Americans in LA, the largest community outside Iran. The majority of them fled after the revolution so they wouldnā€™t be big fans of religion. As it happens weā€™re in LA staying with a Persian family and were in Westwood last night which is known as Tehrangeles. Their food and women are sensational.

Agassiā€™s father was Iranian, I think an Armenian.

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Gorgeous. At least after the nose jobs.

2 different countries mate.

System of a Down (the band) from California , all Armenian origin

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Yes. But Agassisā€™s dad was from Iran, there are or at least were a lot of Armenians in Iran. Armenia became an independent country in 1991.

I donā€™t think media organisations should be tweeting out these kinds of chants with quasi supportive messages. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It seems itā€™s ok to be racist against Jews.

Wha? :woozy_face:

Couldnā€™t quite make out everything chanted there but what was racist about it?

explain please

Calling Jews rats is a very direct line back to
The 1930s

Rats? what exactly was the chant and at what time on that video I 'd like to hear/listen to that again

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15 seconds in ā€œIsrael is a bunch of rats ā€œ repeated

Iā€™d have said cunts or murderous bastards or fascists

Itā€™s definitely anti-Semitic to refer to Jews as rats.

Itā€™s also definitely anti-Semitic to conflate Jews with Israel.

Disappointing to see a poster engaging in the latter.

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Classic Nazi deflection from you again. Trying to tell Jews what they should think and feel. And why you donā€™t think itā€™s racist at all and how dare they

You think itā€™s a good debating tactic to call people Nazis. Well done.

Try to stop conflating Jews with Israel and stop being an anti-Semite.