A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

The only move here is for Netanyahu to offer himself in exchange for the hostages, as if. Or stall and let the arab world attempt to steady the hands of the Palestinians. Jesus - that poor girl. What could hamas possibly think when asked to repatriate her remains. It’s just a frenzy of hatred and madness. And Allah caught up in the middle of it. Sickening.

Yet another remnant of american foreign “relations”

And British, and arab. Tou wonder how many of the protagonists really have the stomach to continue this.

All of them, they aren’t the ones dying

Hamas murdering civilians etc is totally wrong. What are they at doing that. They’re throwing their whole movement under the bus.

You’d seriously wonder also how the IDF and Mossad missed this attack.

Its an absolute shit show anyway. As usual the innocent will be killed on both sides.

Horrible tragedy.


I think people are over palying rhe idf and mossad piece and how they missed it. Counter intelligence only works when there’s an actuve threat in that moment in time. If there’s been a sustained quiet period and threats then there is complacency. Scramble the intelligence and randomisation and you’ll beat counter intelligence. Beaurocracy and ego’s make it so

The Palestinians had a slow growing momentum in worldwide support for their situation, but it appears they grew impatient and threw their whole lot in, in what can only be really described as a suicide mission. They can now forget any campaigning and/or support from sympathetic governments in the west. There are rules and laws in the chaotic world of armed conflict, and with an acknowledgement that Israel purposely refuses to sign the Rome convention to join the ICC as they’d end up in the Hague themselves, the Palestinians have outdone them in shitting on public opinion of their tactics.


In the long run this attack is politically fantastic for Netanyahu and the extremists that are proping up his government.

Its the worst possible situation to be in for the innocent Palestinians stuck in Gaza. They are going to pay a savage price which is utterly abhorrent too.

The best thing israel could do is show restraint, but that’s not going to happen

We are probably looking at a world war 3 unfolding, if they wipe out Gaza, that’s it

Anything is possible. Will Israel go after Iran now. They might.

Same protagonists whove been front and centre for decades.

You’d wonder did Mícheál Martin sense something was up when he was over there the other week.

Maybe it conveniently suited them to miss it…

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The Palestinian movement know this too which makes this offensive even more baffling.

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Almost 50 years exactly from the Yom Kippur war which was before this the last major failure in Israeli intelligence. Was chatting to a friend of mine who’s ex IDF tonight. He’s frantically looking for flights back to fight even though he’s years gone. I said to him what can one man, him, do in that scenario really. He said survivor guilt is huge in Jewish culture. Can’t live with themselves doing nothing while Jews are getting killed. Plus he has lots of friends still living there and still in it many of whom he thinks will die. He said the fear is that this is just a distraction to pull soldiers south, that Hezbollah might start something in the north. But it seems Israel has fairly widespread international support, but it has to defend its citizens so the reaction, which will be over the top, might end that. Hamas sees its dead citizens as great for propaganda, so win win. How do you get out of that deadlock.

Are you saying he orchestrated this

Are Hamas still launching attacks today or were they all contained yesterday?

Can someone explain the Iran/Israel dynamic briefly please?

Hezbollah fired shots earlier. How many Irish soldiers are in the Leb?