A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Hezbollah were putting on a performance. Theyā€™ll do nothing of substance.

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Pretty much everything on Twitter is fake these days. You canā€™t follow these events via it anymore unless you know specific trusted accounts to follow. Itā€™s 90% misinformation bots now.


i tend to agree, hell of a stupid performance to put on if the Israeliā€™s decide to fire back

Was wondering myself


Thank you Elon Musk.

Just read the fucking Guardian and watch Channel 4 News and youā€™ll probably not go too far wrong.

It was measured so the Israelis wonā€™t do much. Measured so as to signify support for Hamas but not enough to provoke a second front.

Any quote from Robbie Keane yet?

The Guardian are reporting Hamas could have taken up to 100 hostages in the raids over the border. Thatā€™s pretty phenomenal.

I know an army guy that recently brought his young family over to (a safe part apparently) the Lebā€¦
I assumed it was more ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬ā‚¬

I have a cousin out there now.

Short version is Iranians are Shia Muslims and see themselves are leaders/protectors of all Shia Muslims. Lebanon has a large minority of Shia Muslims which is part of the eternal civil war in Lebanon.
Hezbollah are the armed wing of the Lebanese Shia. They are basically an Iranian army. Armed and paid for by them.
Israel has been to war with them several times over borders etc.
Israel and Iran are always trying to fuck each other up as a result.
Thereā€™s loads of other reasons as well, regional powers etc.

Funnily enough the Israelis supplied Iran during the Iran Iraq war as they hated Iraq even more.

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It was always Robbieā€™s dream to flee to Greece


Robbie Valentine

Heā€™s a strange fellow

The responses are sticking it to him

Sinn Feinā€™s social media game has been spectacularly off the last few weeks.

First they went big on cheerleading the Up The Ra chant.

Then they went big on pretending to be offended at Irish rugby fans singing Zombie.

Now theyā€™re going big on celebrating the parading by Islamists of the raped, dead body of a woman from the back of a pick up truck and the Anders Behring Breivik like slaughter of young people at a music festival, among other crimes.


I reckon heā€™s going to lose his shit when they get into government and donā€™t fully severe diplomatic links with Israel.

OdrƔn is a very strange fellow.