A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

His take on Israeli civilians is downright scary

The automatic logic of it is there are no innocent PUL civilians in the North either. You could extend this to any conflict in the world where there are historic territorial disputes. It’s explicitly the language of dehumanisation, of genocide. Tragically it’s also what a not insignificant amount of Israelis, including the headbangers in the Israeli government, believe about Palestinians.

This is going to get real bad, real fast.

I’m sure the fada and Palestinian flag brigade will say she asked for it and have some photograph of an Israeli atrocity ready to go regardless.

You certainly won’t go too far right.

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Always his dream to manage in a war zone?

Are Israelies waiting to strike back or what?

They’ve hit over 800 targets in Gaza already

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What exactly was the plan here ? Few lads went rogue and just struck the Israelis first ?


Nothing rogue about it. Highly coordinated attack involving large forces and equipment.

The Israelis have called up 150k reservists.

Once they get them all in I’d imagine they’ll start laying waste to the everything in their path

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Let’s hope you are wrong.

Any chance of a possibility of anybody else getting involved?

Once the Israelis establish who supplied the rockets/resources (Iran and/or Russia) it will ratchet up again

I’d say there’s a fair chance Israel ends up in Lebanon and Syria.

I’d expect Russia have their fingerprints on this. Russia and Iran are firm allies. Iran sponsors Assad, Hezbollah and Hamas. We’ve had trouble in Nagorno-Karabakh and Kosovo recently. It suits Russia to stir up trouble in as many hotspots as it can in order to distract western attention and weapons from Ukraine.

Obviously Hamas themselves have been itching for this kind of attack for years.

Fuck knows what happens now. The existence of hostages considerably complicates matters for the Israelis. There will surely be a ground invasion of Gaza, and it will be brutal for millions of people in Gaza. And probably attacks on Iran too.

The Russian surely wouldn’t have done that ?

Surely they’d not be so foolish??

The US have redirected a pile of battleships to the region

Thanks for that. Didn’t know about the length and depth of it.