A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

It only gets serious when they call in carrier groups

My back of a fag packet calculation is that if Israel goes in on the ground, they may well be drawn into a battle where they have to pretty much commit to ending Gaza as we know it - to drive the majority of the entire population out in a massive and bloody ethnic cleansing/genocide - Mariupol style. Anything less makes little sense for them on a practical level.

These are exceptionally dangerous times for the world.

The rave sounds like it was pretty horrific. Probably a load of people tripping and not having a clue what was going on

Like me in east Paris last Saturday night.


Video here of Hamas parachuting in mid rave

To do this in the immediate aftermath of Hamas murdering at least 700 people is remarkably bad judgement, to say the least.

It’s not remotely like putting up a Palestinian flag after the sustained Israeli bombings of Gaza in 2008/09 or 2014. It’s not remotely like putting up a French flag after the Bataclan or putting up a Ukrainian flag after the Russian invasion.

It’s incredibly pointed that it’s a public gesture of support for the murder of civilians by Hamas.


we are looking at a full scale global conflict within 12 months, make the most of the next few weeks

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I’d be spending the savings if I were lads

I’m started my food stash again like last winter.

Paddy Power are offering odds of 200/1 on the end of the world happening by 2030.

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That’s tone fucking deaf. And I’d be fairly sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, but fuxake, there’s a time and a place.


The fucking morons being quickly identified.

Did Palestine or proscribed terrorist force Hamas attack Israel yesterday? The people tut tutting do know there is no Hamas in the West Bank or does the truth not matter anymore when it comes to confirming biases.

What happened yesterday is beyond awful but anyone who thinks it wasn’t coming some day is living in cloud cuckoo land. If they went into an illegal settlement and did what they did yesterday then I wouldn’t object tbh but those settlements are in the West Bank not Gaza. The Palestine homeland

Some of the stuff Hamas did yesterday like shooting up a peace festival, full of people who supported Palestine and videoing the killing of a Grandmother then uploading it to her Facebook account, kidnapping children etc etc etc.

There is only one logical conclusion for those actions. They want Israel to come at them with everything they have.
Once they do, and there is little chance they won’t, then it seems Hezbollah will attack Israel. So they will be at war with Lebanon & Syria as well.
They will basically be at war with Iran as well.

Israel will never again have an opportunity to take the gloves off like this, I expect them to absolutely level Gaza for a start.

Since Hezbollah/Iran clearly wanted this they will surely be prepared for what is coming from Israel. Israel are probably militarily miles ahead of them but if Iran really throw their weight in then it could get very very messy.

I think there’s little doubt that a much bigger war is about to start. The only question is how big does it get.


Any chance of the west getting involved?

Are people on here absolutely 100% sure and happy where they lie on this one?

Schooled inadvertently all my life to sympathise with Palestine. Obviously yesterday was disgusting, but the arguement that it was coming to Israel in some shape or form isn’t unreasonable either.

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There is a lot of detail and nuance to this that you seem to be unaware of. Read up on it. It’s not as simple as Israeli v Palestinian. There’s a lot of actors and subplots, and Gaza and West Bank are very different. Very very gray.

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Sure when the ira blew up innocent civilians in the name of war I’m sure it didn’t sit well with people.

When in a war nothing is off the table it seems.

Hamas don’t want peace. They want every jew to die and Israel to no longer exist. Where’s the middle ground there.

There needs to be two states. A distinct secure Palestinian state supported by the world to make it safe and liveable. With no Zionists in setting up settlements.Then a secure Israel. But the new Palestinian state is a foreign country, if they attack or support attacks they lose all international support and are fair game for Israel.

Step one in this is Gaza needs to go under full international protection and control (very unlikely) or it needs to be taken over by Israel (far more likely) safe passage to all Gaza residents is a must. Plenty of Muslim countries around that should be pressured into helping and taking in their brethren.

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You have to start at Chaim Weizmann and work forward to have a halfway decent grasp of the region.

Smart, edjucated Jews mugged off the illiterate arabs for 20 years before the second world war. It’s an absolutely insane story