A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

To have them near the Gaza Strip?

Our foremost thought leader

Well that makes a lot more sense and is quite plausible. The stupid cunts left mountains of shit behind in Afghanistan.

It would be tragically ironic if the only extremist group in the middle east not armed and supported by the US used US weapons to ā€¦or something.

That Iron Dome is something else. Each counter missile is like 50k.

They must be burning through them. Youā€™d wonder how many are in the stockpile.

Has it being suggested that itā€™s systems were hacked hence the barrage which went undetected on Saturday?

Not many out there with that ability bar Russian or American fingersā€¦.

Might seem far fetched.

Until you remember this.


Is it really conceivable that the Israeli security services did not know this massive attack was being planned?


Thereā€™s something funny going on here.

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How did all these weapons get into the gaza strip ?

Israel are now striking all these ā€œtargetsā€ but had no idea this was being planned.

I saw some headline online where they describe it as Israelā€™s 9/11 moment. It has similarities in that IT STINKS.


Has anyone ever asked why doesnt Egypt open its boarder for refugees eom Palestine?

Funny how ?

Two Israeli tourists, local guide shot dead by Egypt policeman Two Israeli tourists, local guide shot dead by Egypt policeman

A blueprint right there to take Northern Ireland once and for all lads. We already have @tank trained up and everything to lead the charge.

What point do they call it world war 3?

I thought as much