A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

How the fuck did Israeli intelligence miss it. They probably have the most advanced espionage tools in the world. Hamas managed to amass and position 5,000 rockets and hundreds of fighters without the Israeli knowing.

Itā€™s unfathomable they didnt have at least some inkling it was going to happen.

Yep. My take was that it was M16 versus conkers and Israel would eventually cleanse them all out over time. Israel had unwaivering US financial and training back-up and the Shield thingy.

I have a notification set up to give me a nudge when Matt Le Tissier confirms his take on how it came to this.

Itā€™s a mystery, a hack or some disruption? I watched a video on twitter where a former idf said she was the supervisor near there and used to be woken up if a pigeon landed near the fence, so how did hundreds of men with tractors go through it

Might be bs, but interesting

We all are schooled to sympathise with the plight of Palestine, and not unreasonably so. Israel is an appalling regime and has been for decades.

What happened yesterday was totally indefensible. Like the Provos, it doesnā€™t happen in a vacuum, but what happened is still totally indefensible.

This seems to be a fact too many people have trouble with.

All these major news events are like ideological purity tests to some people. Internet tribes seem to be more important than basic human decency and empathy to far too many people.

Too many people will mindlessly defend the indefensible in the name of their internet tribe.

Most of what I have seen today is either on one side people eulogising barbaric murder as ā€œheroic resistanceā€ and on the other side genocidal calls to ā€œflatten Gaza once and for allā€.

Itā€™s so depressing itā€™s almost beyond words.


The idea that this will have any sort of negative effect on the American ability to supply endless amounts of war materiel to Ukraine is incredibly naĆÆve. They have only sent over old equipment that was costing money to store. Israel have current gen equipment across the board and are quite possibly the worldā€™s second most powerful military power.

Turkey have pushed all their chips in on Palestine.
Israel have nukes.
Biden weak on Iran.
Biden got played in Ukraine.
USA canā€™t fund or arm these bad positions.

Understand that weapons have made it from Ukraine to Hamas

Ukrainian corruption about to cost Ukraine a big price

Kinihans funded Hamas. Iā€™d say Israel are pissed off they took the Hutches side

Iā€™d imagine Zelensky is throwing a bit of a strop in his dressing room since yesterday.

Zelensky will be fortunate to avoid the he CIA unwavering support/early retirement program.

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I know it was a ā€œrave for peaceā€ but was it not a bit crass to party a few miles from a giant refugee camp?

Was thinking that. Strange place for a rave.

thats the ideA of raves

Interesting, very interesting.

That is, from what Iā€™ve seen, a false story made up by Russia to weaken Ukrainian attempts to get continued aid. Which would make a lot more sense tbh.

But who knows. Truth is meaningless these days. People just choose to believe what suits them.

It would seem that some of the weapons used against Israel are the same ones Russia is using. Drones etc. Now Russia is supplied by Iran so maybe that isnā€™t surprising or even relevant. But I think Russia will be pretty happy with this. They are trying to destabilise the World in general at the moment and donā€™t really give a fuck where it happens.

Will be interesting to see if Russian finger prints can be found on the attacks. Israel has been relatively neutral on the Russia Ukraine war until now. They have a complicated relationship with Russia re Syria and other things so have stayed out of it more or less. This could change things significantly.

As usual the Palestinian people will suffer regardless of who is behind it. Pawns in a much larger game of chess.

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Then thereā€™s thisā€¦several sources saying the same.