A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Nobody telling the Israelis that Bruce Willis is more dementiaā€™d than Biden. (Cruel joke, Iā€™m going to hell if it exists. Fully aware.)

I think itā€™s fucking disgusting that people celebrate the mass murder of Israelis (and indeed some other nationalities) by Hamas. People who do this are a pox on humanity.

Iā€™d also add that it is not a one-way street. Because far too much of the media likes to frame it as a one way street.

Lads applying tactical knowledge gleaned from hurling league matches to a live geopolitical military situation is fascinating to watch




Weā€™re witnessing a real shemozzle here. (Yiddish word, used by the GAA fraternity)

This whole thing is going to be the War On Terror II, except worse.

Iā€™m certainly not a conspiracy theorist, but the more you think about what has happened and how easily it happened, the more you suspect the hand of certain very powerful people here, and the more you realise how much it suits these very powerful people.

Putin is suspect number one. He is for certain jumping cartwheels. All this most likely happened with his say so. In my view.

It cannot be ruled out that Netanyahu, given his proven record of bizarre comments calling for the boosting of Hamas, knew this could happen and allowed it to happen. It suits him. It suits the Israeli far right. Itā€™s their 9/11. Netanyahu and Putin are buddies too. The kindred spirits of evil bastards.

And it suits every mad Mullah in the Islamic world.

It suits Trump.

It doesnā€™t suit Joe Biden. At all.

And it does not suit the innocent people who have died and suffered, or will die or suffer as a result of all this.

Simple Israeli complacency and disorganisation remains entirely possible as the reason this was allowed to happen. But it really is far from beyond the bounds of possibility that there was malign motive beyond Hamas here.

Chilling and utterly horrific

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and the germans had pulled back from their position making it a total waste of ammo. also, munitions are a lot more sophisticated now.

Some of the replies of images and videos underneath that Twitter thread are utterly barbaric. ISIS level stuff.

Oh I canā€™t see this going wrong at all

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Story from The Guardian.

Personally I think it would be a good idea if everybody stopped waving any flags but this is yet more total madness from the Tories.

2m ago18.03 CEST

Waving a Palestinian flag or singing a chant advocating freedom for Arabs in the region may be a criminal offence, the UKā€™s home secretary, Suella Braverman, has told senior police officers.

In a letter to chief constables in England and Wales, Braverman urged them to clamp down on any attempts to use flags, songs or swastikas to harass or intimidate members of the Jewish community.

Her words, which follow deadly attacks by Hamas on Israelis and a military response, will deeply concern freedom of speech advocates and members of the Muslim community. She also wrote:

It is not just explicit pro-Hamas symbols and chants that are cause for concern. I would encourage police to consider whether chants such as: ā€˜From the river to the sea, Palestine will be freeā€™ should be understood as an expression of a violent desire to see Israel erased from the world, and whether its use in certain contexts may amount to a racially aggravated section 5 public order offence.

Bravermanā€™s letter was sent after Rishi Sunak vowed that anyone in the UK supporting Hamas would be ā€œheld to accountā€ in the aftermath of the attack on Israel.

Sunak confirmed his support for Israel, saying he stood in solidarity with the state and its people ā€œin the face of these barbaric acts of terrorismā€.

Suella 1 Celtic FC 0

Another European defeat

Hopefully not true. Hard to prove or disprove without photos and whoā€™d want to see them.

Hopefully not is right. Itā€™s the oldest trick in the book though

Ground troops to follow
Mop up
Civilians again to bear the brunt of the IDF terrorists

Itā€™s the sort of story that is plausibly true, but youā€™d have to have some scepticism about whether it is. This is the sort of situation where there is enormous scope for weapons of mass destruction style propaganda.

The story fulfils the central criteria needed to enable the total destruction of Gaza - it demonstrates, if true, that Hamas has broken the last taboo of humanity - the murder and mutilation of defenceless babies. Israel and its backers have been deliberately vague about who they refer to when they say ā€œthey are animalsā€ or ā€œfinish themā€. The way they frame their words means they can plausibly infer that theyā€™re referring to Hamas only, when experience and the bleedinā€™ obvious tells us they mean all people in Gaza.

All that matters for now is that the story is out there.

Let me throw a cat amongst the pigeons. The U.S. and Israel refuse to join the International Criminal Court for the very simple reason that both parties repeatedly commit war crimes as part of their military strategies. Now, as Netanyahu has historically, for good reason refused to join this, he has opened the door to being susceptible to the boundaries of extremism of war being removed not only for him and the state he represents, but also towards him and the citizens of Israel. There is no denying that the atrocities committed in blowing this conflict to itā€™s new level are beyond abhorrent, but the responsibility partly lies with Bibi in not curtailing Hamas to a a boundaried military engagement, which I personally believe that with their vast military resources, a more measured leader could achieve their gains without resorting, or falling victim to, attempted annihilation tactics.

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In the unlikely event that WWIII breaks out as a result of this, I will be auctioning off a limited amount of places to premium level members of TFK in the shelters below.

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