A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

So thatā€™s a dodge on the climate change question. Donā€™t think I need to bother my hole looking much further than that. See ya

The UN has released a statement stating that war crimes have been committed by both sides since Saturday. More to comeā€¦

Iranā€™s ally repeating the tactic that lost the election for Jimmy Carter to try and defeat Joe Biden and bring back Trump.

You normally make sense but i donā€™t think this post makes sense.

While this is utterly barbaric it is also a tragedy for Israel and Gaza . Israel as a nation will be further enraged and thereā€™ll be little internal (or allied) opposition to them unleashing Armageddon on the civilian population of Gaza.

Iā€™m afraid that what you could tenably term a World War, or at least a conflict which is on the scale of such, could seriously be on the horizon.

Like World War I and World War II, there has been and is such a profound failure of imagination over the last decade, the last two decades and more really, such a profound failure to see danger, such a failure to protect those on the front lines, such a callous disregard for human dignity and human life from so many quarters.

The consequences of this are the gravest imaginable.

The continuing systematic destruction of human empathy in the world today is the greatest tragedy imaginable. We seem doomed as a species to make the same mistakes over and over and over again.

Iā€™ve been awake for 22hrs. That might explain the lack of coherence.


George Mitchell (not the penguin) summed up the hopelessness in 2016.

This event since Saturday is genuinely depressing.

There will be no winners just massive casualties on both sides. Innocent civilians on both sides - 99% the majority of that.

If there is a ground invasion of Gaza it will be absolutely horrendous.


God make their own importance

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Should one side just give in to the other entirely I wonder?

I feel sorry for both sides whoā€™s civilians have been caught up in this shit completely innocently.

Goes without saying, awful senseless carryon, but would one side be as well just give up and allow themselves be wiped out or conquered?

Yet another reason to cause more division and people frothing at the mouth with each other from their couch on social media. What a time to be alive.

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Paddy Cosgroveā€™s inā€¦

Never happen. Too many extremists on both sides

Its a fucking horrendous tragedy. Leadership on both sides couldnt give a shit about their own people.

Dreadful chief, shocking. But whats to be done, should they lie down entirely?