A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

A ceasefire should be put in place asap, chaired by vested interests on both sides.

Not going to realistically happen but it should.

Anything is better than the current blockade and a very possible Israeli ground invasion into Gaza.

Go to your freezer , itā€™s like a Time Machine, we only use it for ice pops and ice cream but there are a few drawers that I dug through yesterday I found some precovid onion rings - simple things from a simpler time


are these Palestine supporters the type to have gotten vaccinated?

Itā€™d be an interesting venn diagram with the folks protesting outside the properties earmarked for Ukranians

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Whats your own thoughts on it mate?

Shocking tragedy, hard to understand humanity. We are the parasites

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I donā€™t think we all are, some people are though in the middle east.

Leadership on both sides are desperate cunts.

Av we are though. Intrinsically humanity is a flawed concept capable of extreme cruelty and selfishness. We may have had some chance prior to the introduction of organised religion but as soon as we learned how to use tools it was game over for us, just a case of how bad and how long

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Didnā€™t they try to model something like the gfa over there a few years back. Your sentence there says it all. At least with the gfa government on both sides were basically on the same side and it was a fundamental choice for the paramilitaries to either take it or run the risk of hung out to dry by both governments. Over there , thereā€™s no such danger. The extremists have noone to answer to. The only hope youd have is if the likes of the yanks threatened to withdraw funding. But that will never happen.

Ben shapiro and Andrew tate having a go at one another on twitter. You literally couldnā€™t make it up

They did and more so they didnt I think Mike. Current leadership there are as nuts as each other. Even in Israel prior to this event they were protesting against this far right Israeli government for months.

Thats all put to the side now though. Hard to see a good outcome from this insanity. Just massive innocent human suffering.

The hatred on both sides is probably now unparalled. Or it will be in the future anyway.

The hurling lad has weighed in now as well

Thatā€™s probably as fair a statement as you can put out.


War never spares children

Hon Lord Kilclooney

Israelis are shelling Syria now as well, to counter shelling from the Syrian side earlier

Why have the Yanks never intrevened?