A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

They support Israel

They bankroll one side in the conflict. Are you asking why they haven’t put boots on the ground?

Jewish vote in the states is absolutely massive

Probably the most sensible thing I’ve read since this whole mess started. It’s something 95% of people on here would likely agree with


It’s not really mate. Most American Jews are actually quite secular and liberal. The fundie Christian vote however is quite large.

But surely the Yanks would be interested in securing a peace deal?

Cant we just have some precedent times?

Fair enough, but you should be banned regardless

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Ah shtop.

What’s this now?

I don’t know. I’m just jumping on the anti @Mac bandwagon. Take it up with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


reasonable enough point

Thanks mate

In the tapestry of humanity, the threads of religion, when woven with intolerance and misconceptions, create a discordant pattern that unfolds as a worldly hell, obscuring the inherent unity beneath the surface of perceived differences. In the intricate dance of existence, it’s a poignant truth that the ego often fails to recognize our shared essence, emerging from the same cosmic source. A regrettable irony unfolds as religious distinctions overshadow the profound unity that binds our souls in a tapestry of oneness.


Several US Presidents have tried.

The US support of Israel is complicated. It started out as probably a fairly legitimate reason to stop Israel being over run by a whole slew of hostile Arab neighbors. You could make the claim that Israel is more than strong enough to stand up for itself nowadays and pan Arab hatred of Israel is not as unified and monolithic as it once was. However the average American has been trained over the years to view view Israel in a sympathetic light and as bulwark against the baddie Muslims that hate Mom, Apple Pie and all things good. A lot of this is because the Israelis have helped shape and reinforce those opinions over the decades. So much so that nowadays it’s not in any politician’s interest to come and say “hey Israel, stop acting the cunt, or you’re on your own”. That would be political suicide and you’d be branded an ISIS supporter…… because all nuance has been lost and we now live in a very black and white world.

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By God


Well said, mate.