A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Iā€™m prepared to believe the worst about any masked lad with a kalashnikov shouting allahu akbar. Iā€™m also prepared to believe this script was written ages agoā€¦and anything in between.

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He is some clown.


When it was only appearing in the Jeruselem Post and a few domestic news sites and not in any reputable western mediia outlets, I took it with a healthy dose of skepticism. Imagine the amount of outrage it has already caused worldwide, if untrue. Even on this thread alone. Beware the propaganda machine, on both sides!!

Some of it would make even our own Danny Morrison blush!

There must be a serious tug of war going on within the Israeli parliament. Netanyahu is finished unless gets a ground invasion up and running within the next few daysā€¦itā€™ll only be a stay of execution regardless

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That said. I find it hard to believe that the IDF and Mossad didnā€™t see this coming. They have lads infiltrated in Hamas sure. Its a bizarre one that they missed this.

Facial recognition technology etc. I donā€™t really buy the narrative that they were only focused on the west bank and Hezbollah. Who knows though.


Couldnā€™t sum up my position any better

Hi Virtual Roy

That Twitter account is dodgy as fuck, sure Elon Musk recommended it, which is as much proof of its dodginess as you need.

It reminds me of when the Northern Ireland conflict was unignorable in the world media in the 80ā€™s, Thatcher, when pressed attempted to pawn it off as crazy Irish catholics fighting crazy Irish protestants. The truth is, it was about land. It was about colonization, brutal colonization. Sadly, there were crazy Irish catholics and crazy Irish protestants that believed her, and innocent people died unnecessarily, solely as a result of what christian church they attended. There were many who knew the facts, that it was protestants who often spearheaded republicanism. Tone, McCracken, even Mac Stiofain. Let me be very clear. The current situation has two different religions involved in battle and can be very easily dressed up as a religious war to those whom it suits, but this conflict is over land, and colonization. Brutal colonization.


Mental. An F-18 coats 80 million, blows the fuck out of yemen and thereā€™s not a word about it. Some bin lid in a 50 quid chute sets the world on fire.
Norn iron, vietnam, Afghanistan etc. Might is utterly useless against a radicalised minority, as Israel is about to find out


Just throwing it out there but has this conflict been ignored by all the established political parties.

Biden was speaking this evening across several mainstream news channels. I wonā€™t lie, I couldnt bare to listen to him for a second. The man isnt well. How the far left love his musings and ignore a sensible approach from Corbyn is baffling.

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First of all id like to thanks you all for the messages, emails since Saturday, I saw them all drop by and I must say they are greatly appreciated

My wife and kids are good- we are in Ireland as my IP ADDRESS now shows, all her family are alive and aside from rockets are not yet in serious danger
Things arenā€™t great, a woman I worked with had her daughter plastered on the internet with her legs broken on the back of a pick up in Gaza city on Saturday evening- a girl who was in university with my wife is also dead with her son missing in Kfar Aza and friend of mine was shot three times but is in hospital in Rehovot as he ran from the attack on Saturday. The situation is horrendous.

Anyway, this is nothing like I have experienced before , in 2014 when we were living in Ramle and my son was born we spent the Summer ducking from bomb shelter to bomb shelter, it was nerve racking but aside from the Germany Brazil WC semi final when the building next to us was hit I could say we always felt that 80% of the time you were ok, Hamas by 2014 had those Iranian made Fajr rockets with a +90km range so Tel Aviv was in range, the game had changed definitelyā€¦ lying on road on highway 4 outside Ashdod as a Tzeva Adom warning came across the radio fucked me up a bit tho mentallyā€¦ ill never forget the first time I experienced a rocket alarm, it was 1 week after we got married in November 2012 and I was in Shufrasal shopping in Rishon Le Zion, it was a week before the bus bombing in Tel Aviv , I fucking froze and followed everyone to the shelterā€¦30s later a boom, place shook, rocket landed in the parking lotā€¦ I never forget it I was utterly buzzing afterwardsā€¦my heart was thumping in my chestā€¦ my wife was screaming something at me in Arabic that she only ever does when in panicā€“ there was chaos all around , it was incredibleā€¦ things kicked off again then in June 2014 but I always felt stupidly safe, arrogantly maybe.
I cannot tho for one second imagine what it must have felt like living in the South last Saturday in Sderot and the surrounding towns knowing and hearing there were armed millitants in the area killing left right and centerā€¦it makes me sick. It must be a sense of fear none of us could imagine.

Ive only ever read about this stuff , Anthony Loyd described the Bosnian Croat massacre of the Moslems in 1993 in Stupni Do in central Bosnia in 1993 in My War Gone BY I miss it So in terrifying terms, as were the accounts I read of the Lebanese Christian militia and the their massacre of the Palestinians in Sabra and Shatilla that Ariel Sharon facilitied during the first Lebabon warā€¦ its fucked up, I played soccer in Sderot, I hung out with workmates around the South in the villages where last Saturday toddlers were dismembered, whole families executed as I got an U10 soccer team set up to play a game up in Dundalk at the same timeā€¦.Im absolutely shook lads- my wife is in pieces.

Ok, so whats going on in Israel before all this and what lead up to this event?

I did post here maybe a year ago about Netanyahuā€™s latest cabinet and how to avoid prosecution he had to do anything to stay as PM.

The Israeli political scene is very dysfunctional, at the last election Netanyahuā€™s Likud got the most votes by a fraction so he was given the task to form a government. Ok, Likud are a nationalistic party with relatively sound economic policies, Bibiā€™s supporters are mainly working class and like him for his ā€œ strongā€ approach, he ā€œ stands upā€ to Abbas and Iran, etc, blab la blaā€¦ now to form a government Netayahu had to get to the ultra orthodox parties on boardā€¦ok theyā€™re a pain with wanting to close on Shabbat but its bearable- he also then needed to get the settler movement and ALSO the kingmaker- he needed Otzma Yehuditā€™s Itamar ben Gvir to hold a majority and this is the problemā€¦

Otzma Yehudit are aligned with meir kahane whose party Kach ( you see their flag with La Famillia hooligans at Beitar Jerusalem games) are outlawed as a terror organisation in the US, they were behind the assassination of Rabin and Baruch Goldstein was a member. Now at the last election Otzma Yehudit got one seat in the Knesset ā€“ Itamar ben Gvir.

Ben Gvir is a highly dangerous man, Netanyahu put him on the fucking cabinet as minister of security or something, he also put Belazel Shmortich a religious fundamentalist who wants to purge the west bank as minster of fucking finance, For the last year these two have begin to antagonise, Shmortich has poured money into settlement building in West Bank whilst Ben Gvirā€™s rhetoric is stoking flamesā€¦Guys, the West Bank is insane for the last year- Settler . Palestinian violence simply isnā€™t reported anymoreā€¦fellas get attacked with axes, houses burnt down, weekly shootings and car rammings at Qalandiyah checkpoint , mental stuff.people shotā€¦

Whilst all this is going on we have massive anti Netanyahu demos every week all over Israel as he attempts to bring in laws that are anti democratic in order to save his own skinā€¦Israeli society is tornā€¦anti Netanyahu (left) and pro Netanyahu and whatever else ( right)ā€¦ the country is a mess.

And that leaves you with Gazaā€¦ Since May 2021 its been relatively peaceful, Netayahu is probably content with the status quo, a Hamas flare up every few years and the IDF shoot them downā€¦ Hamas get a moral victory , Bibi shows a strong hand , everyone goes home happy.

Anyway for the last year its been quiteā€¦ israel have increased the permits allowing Gazans over Erez each day to work, more goods were allowed in, it was good for all concernedā€¦but what happens

  1. Ben Gvir gets his mob to enter Al Aqsa during Ramadanā€¦ thatā€™s all Hamas need
  2. Israel begins to normalise relations with Saudi and the UAE, annoying Iran who look redundant
  3. IDF are only focused on the west bank due to the chaos Ben gvir started there dropping their guard on Gaza
  4. Massive social unrest in Israel , Netanyahu and his cabinet are only Interested in themselves and it looks like ignore reliable intelligence

Iran are loosing influence now, they pump money into Gaza , more rockets , drones ,etc, and then you have last Saturdayā€¦ Iran and Hamas have already won the first round as the Saudis have now cancelled relations again with Tel Aviv after the airstrikes last night

Now this has happened on Netanyahuā€™s watchā€¦ this is shocking, his supporters will blame ā€œ the leftā€ for distracting Bibiā€¦the large anti Netanyahu bloc simply blame him, conspiracy theorists around us say maybe security info was withheld from Netanyahu allowing this to happen to weaken him- its entirely believable btw

Ok where are we now

Hamas have hostages which they will use as collateral to release prisoners but Israel wont negotiateā€¦Hamas want their prisioners back and Israel destroyed- what happens in Gaza they arenā€™t too bothered

Ball is in Israelā€™s garden now, if they go in on the ground they will have massive loss of personnel and civilian casualties will be enormousā€¦ and for what? To try to ā€œeliminateā€ Hamas? Againā€¦ thatā€™s impossibleā€¦ they cant occupy Gaza so I donā€™t know lads but the UAE and Saudi normalisation is done now and they aint gonna eliminate Hamas wither way and now there are at least 200 odd hostages in the strip

I dunno guys, its very sad you know ā€“ we were in Jerusalem for 2 weeks in May and it was super ā€“ I miss it a lot tbhā€¦ even outside last night in a fucked up way I wished I could here a siren again but then I felt shook a minute later with the thought of it and how I could expose my kids to thatā€¦ sister in laws kids are terrified, they are becoming radicalised as well like everyone eventually will just as ben gvir, netanywhu and Haniyeh wantā€¦

What happens next

I believe we will see ethnic violence in israel between Israeli arabs and jewsā€¦ this will be carnage- the third intifada will start in Jenin and god help everyone then in Jerusalem
I cant help getting away from the final scene in the movie Quo Vadis , Aida when then Serb militia herd all the Bosnians into a gym in Srebencia, a few minutes later machice guns appear thru the window, a Serb commander shouts ā€œ now the real movie startsā€ and they are all shotā€¦it was one of the most shocking pieces of cinema I have seenā€¦ I feel that way now to be honest about this regionā€¦ its fucked

chat soon lads
sorry i was off for a while - few things didnt work out on a couple of levels - all good


Like given before I read that monster of a post, mate.

Look after yourselves over.

Youā€™re a legend mick. If that doesnā€™t get 50 likes the site is dead . Great to hear in laws all safe and sound


Great to hear from you. Informed and insightful as always.
Best wishes to you and family

Thanks. I read it and Iā€™ll need to read it again. I havenā€™t a clue really. Fr Dennis Faul used to tell his pupils in dungannon academy that, in order to understand the media they should read what the media says about dungannon
Glad youā€™re well.


Glad you and the immediate family are safe mate and hope same stays for wider relations.

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Welcome back mate, glad youā€™re safe.
Ireland is a great old country to hang out in while the dust settles. I was on the run there from the FBI for 3 months this year and it was mostly good craix except for the rain.

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