A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Lads cheers

Look, at the end of the day here this situation is utterly diabolical, there have been 1200 people murdered in southern israel on Saturday morning and there is also a population of 2 million people in Gaza living under a manic dictatorship who are without hope and are now being pummelled with Israeli artillery. It is horrible

The fact is not lost on me that Sderot and kfar Aza that saw the majority of the mass murder on the Israeli side was part of Gaza, The Balfour declaration saw its Palestinian inhabitants herded into refugee camps in preset day Khan Younis in the Northern part of the stripā€¦ there are people living there without hope , and the only hope they have at times is from radicalization , we all seek a sense of purpose in life and maybe this is all is now available to them. Israel is partly to blame for this, nobody in anyway can for one second justify slaughtering 2 whole towns on a Saturday morning BUT , israel have facilitated a situation that hamas and iran have capitalised on here with their utterly over the top military interventions over the years.

Now, other factors, there is an Egytptian Gaza crossing at Rafah, would the Egyptians ever open that?, not a hope, militias in Sinai profit too much from smuggling into Gaza, the Arab world see Palestinians as the lowest of the low and a state as arrogant as Egypt is happy to see it as Israelā€™s problem.

Israelā€™s point, Ariel Sharon pulled the last jewish people out of Gaza in 2005, it is ethnically cleansed of jews, Israeli society still refer to the scenes in Gush katif where the soldiers pulled the settlers out of their homes, it was ā€œ anti Zionismā€ and Sharon was seen to have made a concession that was previously unheard of in collaboration with Fatah the then PLOā€¦ this was fine until 2007 when Hamas in a civil war with Fatah their hated Palestinian breathern forcibly took over the strip, imposed their law with one policy, the destruction of the Israeli state and this is where we are todayā€¦. Israelā€™s point is that as long as there is an entity next to them whose single policy is to have the place destroyed they need to have it under punitive control, andā€“ relax at all like they have now and see what happensā€¦ They see that they gave Gaza ā€œbackā€ and look what has happened? We have now created ourselves a ā€œstateā€ that wants us eliminated

I dunno what the solution is lads, hamas need to be removed but that is probably impossible, I donā€™t think the IDF can do that without enormous casualties , no foreign army I believe will go in as they know that its another Fallujah waiting to happenā€¦ ideally you probably need a Wagner style organisation to go in there and fight Hamasā€¦ only when Hamas are removed will israel attempt to normalise relations with gaza and ultimately allow it function but I cannot ever see it happening.

Netanyahu now and his classic working class support base want another chest thumping speech about ā€œ revengeā€ and ā€œ we are strongā€, he will do that for optics but I think even he knows that rolling in on the ground will be a catastropheā€¦

Will he do it?

He may not have a choice


@GavReilly, great insight here from mickee321. If you want to get Claire Brock or Ciara Doherty to interview him on The Tonight Show later then please contact him directly via PM.


Hope you are well @mickee321

Good to hear from you @mickee321 and unreal insight. Hope you are still enjoying a can of Carling, MOTD and the newspaper on Saturday evenings.

Stay safe @mickee321

Itā€™s difficult to understand the rationale behind the barbarity of their actions. If they had limited their attacks to military targets, rockets, embarrassing Israel etc I think the reaction they would have provoked across the world would be far more mixed, nuanced and sympathethic than the one they have unleashed (apart from the tacit support given by the likes of the Paul Murphys, SF-headbanger TDs, BLM organisations etc who I believe have all damaged their own standing through aligning with absolute terrorism)

The reference to ISIS has been repeatedly made. People came to understand that there was no negotiating with ISIS, no level of engagement possible other than complete destruction.

By framing themselves as such are Hamas looking to provoke that level of reaction from Israel. Itā€™s hard to see how it anyway benefits the Palestinian people or cause if that is the case - both in the short term as Israel over-reacts with violent fury and in the longer-term. Is it really more to benefit other actors outside the country namely Iran? Is it just absolute religious fundamentalism?

Or was it just a poorly disciplined militia losing the run of themselves given the opportunity?

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Best wishes to all your relatives and friends in Israel @mickee321 Superb insight into the complexity of the issue too

Provoking the total destruction of Gaza which will provoke a civilisational conflict in which Hamas hopes Israel will be swept aside seems the most likely rationale.

Israel wonā€™t be swept aside, but a catastrophic civilisational conflict encompassing the wider world seems likely.

I have no interest in fighting on behalf of the Israelis, the yanks, the Palestinians or anyone else.


Great to hear from you again @mickee321

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ā€œWe shall fight them on X, we shall fight them on Facebook, we shall fight them on TFK and on Boards.ie, we shall never surrenderā€


They are looking to sacrifice their own community, their own people in the pursuit of the destruction of Israel, a destruction that is highly unlikely to succeed let alone come to pass?

That is morally depraved and it is bizarre how anyone could give support, tacit or otherwise, to such a strategy.

The Palestinian people have legitimate claims and have been appallingly treated over the last 50 years + (by both Israel and Arab states) but to my mind the path Hamas have chosen on their behalf is deeply flawed and itā€™s hard to see how it will advance their cause.

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The only conclusion is they wanted the savage backlash from Israel, so they could draw in the other players around them, working so far

All Irelands have been won on the INTERNET, only a matter of time before thatā€™s extended to wars


Yes I think so.

Hamas welcome Israelā€™s periodic bombing destruction because it acts as a recruiting sergeant for them.

Provoking the destruction of Gaza is the ultimate way to create chaos on a regional and world scale. There are wider goals on behalf of Hamasā€™s international backers to bring down the post-World War II western order.

This is effectively the opening of a second front against the US, the first front being Russiaā€™s war on Ukraine.

Itā€™s not hard to see how Kosovo could be another front. A massively ramped up campaign of terror in Europe will be another.

Now thereā€™s a lovely lady, she could interview me anytime

Delighted to know all is good with you @mickee321 missed you up at Kells. Another great day out.

Bidens war party are about as sharp on the middle east as they are on Ukraine