A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Yes it’s right up there with the thousands of tweets from your leftist mates in recent weeks that Hitler was right.


Netanyahu: Hitler Didn’t Want to Exterminate the Jews

Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.

Prof. Meir Litvak, a historian at Tel Aviv University, called the speech “a lie” and “a disgrace.” Prof. Moshe Zimmermann, a specialist of German history at Hebrew University, said, *“With this, Netanyahu joins a long line of people that we would call Holocaust deniers.”

Isaac Herzog, leader of the opposition in the Israeli Parliament, said the accusation was “a dangerous historical distortion,” and he demanded that Mr. Netanyahu “correct it immediately.”

Calling people “nutters” does nothing for your argument, especially when you refuse to call out the likes of Trump, Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the anti-Semitic evangelical right who infest the Republican party

You’re downplaying some types of virulent anti-Semitism now. It’s mad to think you’ve reached this stage.

A historian who never heard of Judea, by God.

In modern history, neither Palestine nor Israel existed as countries. The region known as Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire for five hundred years before the Brits ran them. The Brits created a map (the British mandate) which comprised Israel, the occupied territories, and Jordan of today. The UN divided it up further in 1947 and proposed a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jewish state was never accepted by any Arab countries even though they control 99.9% of the land in the Middle East, and the proposed country for the Jews was 0.1%. Huge tracts of land? Look at a map you fucking clown, Israel is the size of Munster.

You’re welcome.

This is too easy.

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Based on what? What serious evidence is there that Israel has ever accepted a two state plan? What evidence is there that Israel has ever even considered dismantling the illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem? What evidence is there that Israel has ever remotely considered accepting the right of return?

You use the word naivety a lot. To call that projection is a massive understatement.

So all US politicians are anti-Semitic except for Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib?

Got it.

Why is John Waters not a nutter? Why is AOC one? Why is Bernie Sanders one?

Judea? Ju fucking dea?

Yes - the took huge tracks of land. Nothing akin to what European Americans did - who slaughtered the native Americans and broke every single treaty they signed - but significant land grabs relative to the size of the area in question.

Donald Trump consistently used virulent anti-Semitism to court the far right. You refused to ever accept this or call it out.

You call refused to call out Kevin McCarthy as an anti-Semite.

You call people on the left anti-Semites based on nothing.

You refuse to deal with the article I posted above which details how Israel courts anti-Semites for their own benefit.

You’re nuts.

And there’s a litany of evidence from the last five or six years to prove it. Just like the quoted post here.

Israel is 0.1% of the land of the Middle East. If Israel were actual colonizers and given their military might don’t you think they would have grabbed a bit more? Maybe 0.2%? If they were land grabbers why did they return Sinai and the Golan Heights?

What percentage of the land of Europe is Northern Ireland? This question is about relevant as your statement above.

The Golan Heights have not been returned by Israel.

More fiction, along with @TheUlteriorMotive’s fictional claim that Israel has been invaded numerous times since 1948.

So now we’re including all of the middle east to excuse their ‘little’ land grab :laughing:

There have been 17,000 tweets in one week in May saying Hitler was right, including two journalists, one working for the BBC and one affiliated with CNN.

But Trump.

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When you post this sort of stuff you lay bare your tactics. Your tactics are to mendaciously paint anybody who sympathises with the Palestinian cause as “Hitler lovers”.

But you can’t condemn the man who shamelessly whips up so called “white nationalism” (white supremacy) in the US and courted anti-Semites and actual Nazis at every turn.

Which results in atrocities like the Tree Of Life massacre.

You can’t condemn Netanyahu for actually trying to downplay Hitler’s intentions as regards Jews, ie. an actual form of Holocaust denial.

Why didn’t the Irish just fuck off to other parts of Europe? Why didn’t the Catholics in the North just fuck off to the South?

This is the attitude.

Anti-Semites based on nothing? Which do you think is more more anti-Semitic? Launching rockets at civilian Jews, attacking innocent Jews on the streets of New York, or the rhetoric that politicians use?

You support Jeremy Corbyn who called Hamas our friends and stood at the graves of Islamist terrorists who slaughtered Jewish athletes in Munich. Have a long think about that.

Hamas was not set up until the 1980s. And it was funded by Israel as a divide and conquer tactic.

Corbyn committed the gravest sin in the eyes of the Israel lobby. He supports the Palestinian cause, which is just and righteous.

Anybody who does that in UK or US politics is smeared mercilessly. See Alan Duncan, a rare Tory who spoke out against Israel, and was immediately and mendaciously smeared as an anti-Semite.

While the actual anti-Semites are championed by the Israel lobby, as long as they support Israel’s barbarism.

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