A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

at least we know that @glenshane is hamming it up for likes

@Mac seems genuine

Sorry. It was a cultural reference. Remind me to lower my expectations…

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It was a genuine question

& my response was genuine too a chara

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A diatribe.

I googled it there and it appears that ‘bigly’ is a mispronunciation of ‘Big League’ by Trump.

And you call that a cultural reference?


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It seems fairly certain that the two state solution is dead tbf. Many just won’t say it.

Yes, it was a reference to the gauche way trump uses ‘bigly’. But it wasn’t for you…apologies. I’ve revised my estimate and youve been downgraded to glas level…

The Jews weren’t too happy with him the last time he was down


I saw a fella advocate a three state solution last night. With an independent Gaza seperate from the rest of Palestine. On the basis that a non-contiguous (great word) state was doomed from the start.

This is different from another three state solution which sees Egypt take Gaza and Jordan take the rest of Palestine.

Big Israel is the solution.
Move 'em to Ukraine

Move Israel to the middle of America. Idaho or Omaha etc

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I saw it noted somewhere that the border between Egypt and Gaza is as tight as that between Israel and Gaza.


The common line ‘while the attacks were deplorable but this is all Israel’s fault’

Tell that to the people at and related to those at that music festival.

He probably knew some of those responsible for carrying out the attacks as they are his friends.

In fairness, no where in the tweet does he say that.


Exactly, wtf is he on about. That is a perfectly sensible, accurate tweet.


A lot of projection going on right now.


The “tell that to the victims” us a cowardly rhetorical device at the best of times, a hiding place for people who just want to take sides etc.