A New Year's Coup

You’re a bird ?


I’m still none the wiser.

There does appear to be no love for this Nogra crowd though.

I’ll get my coat



Hey DB

How do you turn a duck into a soul singer?

Put it into the microwave until its bill withers


:laughing: :ronnyroar: :laughing: :ronnyroar:

An Italian/Australian with a solid grip on the Irish language, what a bloke. Did you have to go to classes when the IRA were recruiting under the guise of flooging an Phoblacht in Gibneys that time?

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Never mate

Worst attempted coup against a Turk since July 15th, 2016.

And on the first day of @anon7035031’s centenary, too.


Have you being trying to sniff Persil again

@anon7035031 trying desperately to make himself relevant here.

@iron_mike and @gilgamboa are Nogra men, you can be sure of that.

Je Suis Nogra

Dont be dragging me into shit I had nothing to do with. Ditto @Bandage .

Et moi!

There’s genuine fear seeping from that post… There’s more at work here than we suspected… Who dares to speak of Nogra?

Fuck off. Is that better for you?

The silence continues to deafen

What is nogra

You’re rattled kid… What’s going on? Fire on a PM.

They’re the new ISIS.