A Thread To Post About Sharks

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Barely a sharkeen.


Watch as a stranger survives? Very odd sentence. Why is it a stranger :rofl:

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Do you think he was friends with the shark???

There didn’t seem to be any bad blood between the two

He literally said come on in the water is lovely

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Sharky was just saying hello. If it had intentions of atin her she wouldn’t have seen it at all.

We don’t have a dedicated whale thread so i might just leave this here…


Just being friendly

Tis like dune.


Good Jesus :flushed:


That’s the stuff for the cunt.

Any of ya’s see the rte documentary on the North Atlantic?

Exactly what Ewan would have said if it wasn’t one of his beloved Russians,

Internet is full of oddballs

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While I wouldn’t agree with the “deserve to die” sentiment, it is extremely stupid behaviour. The poor shark has already been put down, for a stupid human invading it’s space

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Those waters at the top of the Red Sea seem to be a right hotspot for shark attacks over the last few years. Their numbers seem to be rebounding heavily after Moses put the tin hat on them for a couple of millennia. You’d think there would be more shark attacks in the Mediterranean but they seem almost unheard of.

Reunion off the coast of Africa might be the most shark infested waters in the world. They believe its because of urbanisation along coastline but also it probably has most diverse coral reefs in the world.