A thread to post controversial opinions

Fair enough.

Funny that you feel qualified to ‘critique’ him and speak of his ‘body of work.’ on the back of one album way back. But carry on, you’re flying, pal.

Christy Moore is utter shit compared to Damien Dempsey.

Kay Burley is the devil’s representation on earth.
Evil incarnate. Orgasmic because 6 people have been killed doing their Christmas shopping.

Delighted a true dub like spidey can allow himself some real perspective.

The comparision to Moore are unfair on Christy who is superior in every way.

not a fan of Damien Dempsey either. Have seen him live. Met him once as well and had a few pints with him. There was a few about having a bit of a guitar and song impromptu session. He sang a couple of songs, and didnt exactly capture the attention. Sound fella nonetheless and has to be respected. Has a very decent following, but I wouldnt get why.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 1060859, member: 53”]Fair enough.

Funny that you feel qualified to ‘critique’ him and speak of his ‘body of work.’ on the back of one album way back. But carry on, you’re flying, pal.[/QUOTE]
We do have te wireless in Cork as well, and RTE. He has been in those as well.

What’s bizarre is you think that’s not enough to judge a voice. Had he had a transplant or something I’m not aware of?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1060879, member: 273”]We do have te wireless in Cork as well, and RTE. He has been in those as well.

What’s bizarre is you think that’s not enough to judge a voice. Had he had a transplant or something I’m not aware of?[/QUOTE]

What’s bizarre is that i didnt mention his voice at all and you’ve imagined my opinion in order to deflect from your cocksure appraisal of his body of work. And you havent lived in cork for a long time kev.

3.5 years is hardly a long time. Considering I lived there for most of my life it’s a pretty bizarre thing to say.

I would have though a singers/songwriters voice and the complexity but story telling ability of his words are all that he needs to be judged by. That’s all I have judged him on. If it was purely his views and his personality I’d say I’d be a pretty big fan.

I have no doubt ye had some rollicking nights going to see him and maybe a few more nostalgic smaller nights in with the lads with him playing, but I think it’s the memories rather than the music that tilts ye the way it does. Ye are way way too touchy about it though. If he holds special memories for you then great, turn it up. He is pretty average musically though.

[QUOTE=“fucked out, post: 1060852, member: 1495”]And who could forget this fucking masterpiece ::slight_smile:

Rollin’ down to Dublin Town
Comin’ from the Northside, headin’ Southbound
The glare of the city, you can see it in the sky
See it in the faces when I’m passing them by

Dublin Town, bright lights all around
All the different sounds, concrete surrounds
You need a few pounds or there’s nothing to do
No muns, no fun in the foggy dew

I be signing on, off Gardiner street
See all the people struggling just to make ends meet
The more unfortunate ones be begging at your feet
We’ll have to send a warning to the socially elite

And I repeat, if you keep a people down
In any old town or country, they’ll rise don’t you see?
It’s the will to survive that keeps them alive
And they’re starting to see through all the lies

That they’ve contrived, so I say to you all
To educate yourself, become well read
And start to use the head, contemplate your own situation
Find the true enemy and stop banging heads

With the victims of its greed
Am I getting too serious?
Well, this was meant to be a love song
Well, it is a love song because I love my people

Not so long ago, back in the good old days
I dreamed of Irish laws and Irish ways
And saw that the present days weren’t so good
And the only thing I could think about them that was good

Was most of the people that surrounded me
But still I call them good old days because of the craic
That we had
We refused to stay sad

If you have your own around you and also possess your health
At the end of the day you’ll discover that that is the most
Essential wealth, I throw my mind back
And recall the days I used to have the craic

Back in Dublin town
Getting down to the Irish and Jamaican sounds
Listenin’ and learning about life
Helping me make it through the strife

Suckin’ on a big fat spliff full of rocky flagon in my hand
Be makin’ me feel grand
Discussing this and that and thinking about the now
Thinking about the future, making myself a vow

I wasn’t going to waste my life
But I was going to live and love, do the best that I could
I was going to bring some music to the people
And tell them that they were equal

But some of them wouldn’t listen
And this is what is pissin’ the rest of us off
You would wanna start listening to us, you would
'Cause to you we aren’t going to be good forever

Yeah, maybe even here, in the Dublin Town
Things could get turned upside down[/QUOTE]

Jesus, that’s brutal. Even worse than ‘The Deluge’ (Flatty’s favourite).

[QUOTE=“Keith Houchen, post: 1060869, member: 2804”]Kay Burley is the devil’s representation on earth.
Evil incarnate. Orgasmic because 6 people have been killed doing their Christmas shopping.[/QUOTE]

Has she turned up in Glasgow yet?

Damo should do a duet with Imelda May. That would be deadly. Or with Dustin the Turkey.

Dublin Town is a fantastic piece of social commentary. Everything Damo railed against and warned would ruin the country came to pass. The man is a prophet too.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1060897, member: 273”]3.5 years is hardly a long time. Considering I lived there for most of my life it’s a pretty bizarre thing to say.

I would have though a singers/songwriters voice and the complexity but story telling ability of his words are all that he needs to be judged by. That’s all I have judged him on. If it was purely his views and his personality I’d say I’d be a pretty big fan.

I have no doubt ye had some rollicking nights going to see him and maybe a few more nostalgic smaller nights in with the lads with him playing, but I think it’s the memories rather than the music that tilts ye the way it does. Ye are way way too touchy about it though. If he holds special memories for you then great, turn it up. He is pretty average musically though.[/QUOTE]

Not touchy at all, Kev. I just thought it was funny how you feigned some knowledge of his ‘body of work’ and even afforded it a rating (3/10). And you, as usual, managed to extrapolate a theory about him with your superb insight. We are indeed lucky to have you shining a light on the world for us.

Ah here @caoimhaoin, the lads are only winding you up they no more like this lads music than they were betting on TTK’s Christmas money tips.

Ah here now. I was merely pointing out that it didn’t have too many words, not postulating that lyrically it was the second coming of Dylan Thomas.

God willing you are right

RTE isn’t half as shit as is commonly made out.
It suffers because the stations people compare it to are British and American stations with vastly bigger budgets. As well as the usual hatred and embarrassment a lot of Irish people have over anything that’s Irish.

Le cĂșnamh DĂ©.

Howld on now, Doooblin town is an abysmal, simplistic dirge rhymed out by a fucking Dooblin fucking scobe. No more, no fucking less. Don’t be trying to cod the fucking people.

How do you like that for a fucking social fucking commentary.

[QUOTE=“Colin Montgomerie, post: 1060861, member: 9”]Christy Moore is utter shit compared to Damien Dempsey.[/QUOTE]christy Moore is a fucking roaster