A thread to post controversial opinions

Stalin was a visionary.


Herā€™s one for you Christy, ya prickā€¦not letting me drink at a gig.:pint:

Crusty cunts in trees stopping road building should be burnt to the ground.

While weā€™re at it, those dirty Romanian beggers who get collected in Pajeroā€™s and X5ā€™s should be drowned in the river with all their disgusting gold teeth.

Foregin nationals convicted of mulitple offences, serious offfences or found begging should be deported and banned from entering the country again.

Before Sunrise is crap. We switched the DVD off in disgust when we watched it. Before Sunset, however, is a majestic, beautiful and far superior movie.

Before Sunrise and Before Sunset are shite.

I firmly believe many Premiership footballers only get a chance/persisted with because they are black/foreign.

Utter horseshit there T.

There are no black EPL managers because there are none good enough. Blackburn got caught up in the whole moral brigade getting Ince in but it ended in tears.

Roy Keane will never make a quality manager.

The next five years will see a lot of football clubs go bust all around Europe

Ennis Hospital should be closed permanently and their management named and shamed.

Northern Ireland should remain British until a 2/3 majority both North and South want a united Ireland.

Padraic Nally should be in jail.

Sex offenders should be sterilised.

Oooh good shout.

Padraig Nally is National Hero.


The Gardai were right to give that knacker in the basin st flats a hiding.

If youā€™re in the overtaking lane, are not overtaking and thereā€™s no traffic in front of you, I have every right lie on the car horn and flash the lights until you move back in.

[quote=ā€œKIB manā€]Utter horseshit there T.

There are no black EPL managers because there are none good enough. Blackburn got caught up in the whole moral brigade getting Ince in but it ended in tears.


Iā€™m not talking about managers. Things seem to be different for them alright. My opinion is that if Lucas Leiva was called Luke Lavelle and came from Surrey he wouldnā€™t have played 23 times for Liverpool this since.

that bogger who tried to blind the leinster player should have acid squirted in his eye to teach him a lesson

Lucas Leiva has been shit for Liverpool and thats the reason why he has played 23 times for the Pool or whatever. They also have a young black player Pleissis who is also shit and played probably 10 times. I really dont think the colour of oneā€™s skin is counted upon when picking a team at the highest level. Maybe im being naive

Hitler is still alive and started the swine flu pandemic

I think hard labour should be brought in for prisoners.
Waterford is a dump.
Criminals should have no rights.
Limerick should be bombed and then rebuilt, same with blanchardstow and crumlin. Just make sure not to hit our ladys hospital for sick children.
Any Foreign person who commits a crime should serve hard time here and when their sentance is up they should be thrown out of the country.
Knackers are not an ethnic group.

clare will win the football championship this year.

They are actually both shite to be honest with you, I was just trying to be controversial. Lost in Translation of the same genre destroys both of them.