A thread to post controversial opinions

A lot of the annoying fuckers move to West Clare for the Summer

Yep they are a plague. Munster fans on tour. Yuck

But Limerick county people are an alright sort

Nothing controversial about that. Never a truer word said.

Yep, and the Cohen brothers films are all overrated.

Thatā€™s rubbish anyway.

Ireland is a shit hole infested with backward fuckers that if I had a nuke I would blow the place sky high.

Your opinion or Ball Oxā€™s?

Iā€™d like to add this one on behalf of Andrei Arshavin:

[quote=ā€œAndrei Arshavinā€]
I would never give driving lessons to women. We need to build a few new roads for them. Why because you never know what to expect from them[/quote]


Mine, I would tell the people I want saved before I did it to get out of course.

Alex Ferguson is the greatest manager of all time.

Just stick up a message on the legends sub forum before you go ahead with it, Flano.

I will do and a pm will be sent also. Iā€™ll have a plane chartered to get us out.

Anyone in the Legends group for a start.

EDIT ah I see bando has gotten there before me. Weā€™re set then, nuke away, pay specific attention to that little borough called wahterfurd.

It is my considered opinion that in the fullness of time history will record the greatness of Ulster Rugby and much of it will be at Munsterā€™s expense.
I would rather all Ireland to be part of the UK than some of it. Partionism has been terrible for this country imo

Decent folk should have more votes than scumbags.

Women who read chick lit should have to carry a sign saying ā€œIā€™m a thickā€, men who read chick lit should be pressganged into the Irish Navy.

Anyone caught littering should get the birch.

Any fat fcuker in the the Irish Army should be sent to the brig for a month on half rations. Any soldier caught at a petrol station eating a breakfast roll with his blouse hanging out and generally looking like he was on his way to a Megadeth concert should be thrown back on the dole where the slovenly kunt belongs.

The Dunph is the real brains behind TFK and Bandage and Rocko are only his minions

Puppets evenā€¦


Best post of 2009.
