A thread to post controversial opinions

[quote=“larryduff”]It is my considered opinion that in the fullness of time history will record the greatness of Ulster Rugby and much of it will be at Munster’s expense.
I would rather all Ireland to be part of the UK than some of it. Partionism has been terrible for this country imo[/QUOTE]

Thats not controversial, its just stupid.


Watched this the other night. I was fairly eager for it to end. And the ending was shite.

I’ll add Raging Bull to the very overrated category.

I said the same about Raging Bulll and WTB &SS shot me down

Raging Bull is woeful. The boxing scenes are pantomime in particular.

Pacino shits all over De Niro.

Rocko is wildly over rated at 6 a side astro football.

By who?

The only person I ever saw talking up Rocko’s astro footballing ability was Rocko himself

Not so much an opinion, but a fact.

I’ve never had a kebab.

Keep it that way Totti, kebabs and silk shirts do not go well together…

Good to have you back ahead of darting season mate.

Cheers Sid, I’d be way behind the scenes now in both organisations to be honest it’s so long since I’ve watched regular darts but I’ll be glued to both Worlds for sure.

The Late Late Show has been consistently good this season and Ryan Tubridy is maturing into quite an accomplished presenter.

Ian Bailey murdered Sophie Toscan Du Plantier

Quite unexpected but I would have to agree with you on this. Also had best toy show ever

It’s not that bad.

It’s one hell of a bizarre story. It’s a real life crime drama with more twists than any tv show has ever thrown in.
The amount of people who come out of this looking utterly stupid, and corrupt in many cases, is phenomenal.

On a side slightly related note, having been looking at properties in the general West Cork area for the past 2 weeks it’s astonishing how much of it is owned by English, French and German people.

And for any of you wealthy betting superstar accountants out there, there are some spectacular old cottages going cheap at the moment.

And another slightly murky murder/suicide/cover up revealed itself to me last week down in the village of Durras. Extremely suspect accidental death of a guy called Billy Isaccs. Nobody was too upset about him though. :wink:

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1056952, member: 273”]It’s one hell of a bizarre story. It’s a real life crime drama with more twists than any tv show has ever thrown in.
The amount of people who come out of this looking utterly stupid, and corrupt in many cases, is phenomenal.

On a side slightly related note, having been looking at properties in the general West Cork area for the past 2 weeks it’s astonishing how much of it is owned by English, French and German people.

And for any of you wealthy betting superstar accountants out there, there are some spectacular old cottages going cheap at the moment.

And another slightly murky murder/suicide/cover up revealed itself to me last week down in the village of Durras. Extremely suspect accidental death of a guy called Billy Isaccs. Nobody was too upset about him though. ;)[/QUOTE]
Billy was a nominee in the 2013 COTY and his death was reported on that thread.


[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 1056955, member: 706”]Billy was a nominee in the 2013 COTY and his death was reported on that thread.


Kev on the ball as always

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1056952, member: 273”]
On a side slightly related note, having been looking at properties in the general West Cork area for the past 2 weeks it’s astonishing how much of it is owned by English, French and German people.

And for any of you wealthy betting superstar accountants out there, there are some spectacular old cottages going cheap at the moment.

And another slightly murky murder/suicide/cover up revealed itself to me last week down in the village of Durras. Extremely suspect accidental death of a guy called Billy Isaccs. Nobody was too upset about him though. ;)[/QUOTE]

Two serious revelations there.