A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

You donā€™t believe this happened Laz? Thereā€™s considerable evidence to suggest otherwise.

If it happened the Tiger Kinging of Irish society continues unabated

The voice note going around is pure black comedy.

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Iā€™ll take a PM

When youā€™ve junkies carrying a dead body into a post office to collect a couple hundred euro, society has fallen.


The way she says pension and collect is fucked up.

Wouldnā€™t have happened in Oz anyway - the cops would have caught up and bate the corpse over the head with a truncheon for non-mask compliance before it reached the beachside post office.


Having reviewed the evidence I am now of the persuasion that this actually happened.
May the Lord have mercy on all our Souls

Banjaxed. Someone should have seen this coming and stopped it in its tracksā€¦theyā€™d have to be sick in the head though.
About twenty years ago there was a wake in galbally where lads sat the deceased up in the coffin and helped him imbibe some poteen. The priest deplored* the culprits from the pulpit that sundayā€¦by a strange twist of fate I was present, and Iā€™ll never forget it. In fairness to the said culprits at least they didnā€™t attempt to profit from the situationā€¦
*maybe @Malarkey could mark my homework here

Clutching Iā€™m afraid.

The further demise of a once sub-par poster.

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The Carlah accent :hear_no_evil:

Sheā€™s actually a very well spoken Carlovian


Iā€™d say irvine Welsh is disgusted that he didnā€™t imagine this story and include it in trainspotting. Touch of Adam and Paul off it too


@glasagusban will be pulling his hair out

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[roared for emphasis] Are the gardai calling these women liars???

Never made sense. If intent on spiking/date rape, why carry a loaded need that can be physically felt administering versus dropping a tablet unseen.

Another case of mass hysteria?


There seems to be a very clear agenda on social media recently or over the last year. Patriarchy, evil men, equality etc. etc.

Itā€™s created a generation of people who make up stories about themselves for public consumption and attention and likes.