A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

A good shout but is Boston not a better one?

Dodgy spots with south- prefix, sporting franchise which everyone is quickly growing to hate with the cocky fans to boot, belief in sporting curses, envy of world class metropolis not far along the coast

fail martial arts GIF


That’s Assasssin Criods death stare.

Big trouble in little Mullingar.

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We don’t envy Cork …

What’s cork though, New Orleans? Miami?


You’d have to go more proper south what with their links to a certain flag that we can’t mention or we’ll be branded racists.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face

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I know a lad with that christian name. Creedon is the English version. He’s of my own vintage and contrary to suggestions is a gent.

I heard he got sick of waiting and pushed someone in

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Minister hopeful of bigger crowds returning for sporting events Minister hopeful of bigger crowds returning for sporting events · The42

Stephen Donnelly

“I bumped into a hero of mine, Johnny Sexton, earlier this week. He, very understandably, said, ‘can we get back to a full crowd at Lansdowne Road for the Wales game? As we did for the autumn internationals.’

He can vouch for some of it anyway

Can someone younger than you be a hero of yours?

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It appears so.

I don’t know, probably. I suppose I could find out but modesty forbids me from asking any of the players I lined out with when winning senior county and provincial medals as a tender youth of a mere fifteen years of age