A United Ireland

Thatā€™s the problem with the first past the post system

Any vote for the SDLP in a Fermanagh/South Tyrone Westminster election is a wasted vote

For years the CNR vote was split in Fermanagh South Tyrone and Ken Maginnis kept getting in despite unionists being in a minority

Since 2001 Gildernew and Elliott (or whoever the Unionist candidate is) are the only candidates with a chance of election and itā€™s always a knife edge battle with margins sometimes in single figures as in 2010

Itā€™s either Green or Orange

So of course youā€™re going to vote for Gildernew

That wonā€™t stop yourself or simpletons like @glenshane going for the lowest common denominator argument in the same way the Daily Express does

Sure Tom would take his seat in Westminster?

And he sure wouldnā€™t be representing the interests of the CNR community as regards Brexit, would he

Heā€™s a fucking bigot

Your imaginary friend?

You arenā€™t my friend, mate

Do the posters who think that SF should take their seats in Westminster realise that to do so they would have to swear allegiance to the Queen and to the UK, a foreign country?


they have no problem paying her tax or taking their wages off her. Fucking cunts.


A few lads on tfk will be voting with Arlene in the referendum. Great lads altogether

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Thatā€™s not their stated reason for not going in.

The monarch oath was a bolt on to the original purpose of abstentionism.

Which clown will chime in with ā€˜they take wagesā€™ from herā€¦

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Why donā€™t Irish Republicans go sit in a foreign parliament and swear allegiance to the crown they ask.


Maybe FF abd FG should go run in the north and take seats in westminster if theyre so concerned about itā€¦

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Thatā€™s not the reason they say they wonā€™t sit.

ā€œIreland unfree shall never be at peaceā€ ā€¦graveside oration of Patrick Pearse at the funeral of Jeremiah Oā€™Donovan Rossa

He might have had a bit of a squint but he had great vision!

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Why should they? The Irish Government are supposed to be impartiel guarantors of the Good Friday Agreement. This is one of the biggest issues with the Tory-DUP deal.

The Government yes - but as Irish parties they are free to run on the Island of Ireland to represent all Irish people ā€” like the nationalists in the north, the people they abandoned and now want to dictate to ā€¦

That makes no sense. Once you enter northern politics you arenā€™t objective.

Abstentionism has clearly not been a major issue for nationalists over the years. They elected members who happily went.

Abstentionism was invented by Arthur Griffith and was a reasonable tactic once upon a time. For SF though it became an easy way to show ones faux republican credentials.

the pretend republicans refuse to sit in parliament to represent their people but have no problem taking British money and implementing British rule in Ireland.


This. The slow learners party threw most of their fundamental beliefs away over the years. Abstentionism in Westminister was easy peasy to keep the hardliners and barstoolers relatively happy for years. Their 2017 manifesto though shows how this is at the end of the line. Reasons that no longer hold up to scrutiny.

Whatever about southern parties in the 1920s. FG today have done a lot more for SF on Brexit despite SF claiming to be battling for a good result for NI. Choco will keep deflecting back to 1922 and 1969, as if heā€™d have done a tap back in the day for northern nationalists himself.

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Sinn Fein are not a serious political party

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