A United Ireland

The UK isn’t a country

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Yes it is

It’s not.

So Scotland England and Wales aren’t countries?

No they aren’t

It is

You’re wrong but keep embarrassing yourself.


That doesn’t mention anything about countries.


The rogbee crowd will be seething

The 4 Nations is always the highlight of the year


just off to football… I said foreign parliament, they want to rule their own affairs…but the DUP wont let that happen.

Youre being deliberately obtuse trying to draw bkack and white lines in what is an extremely grey picture.

SF want unity, but at the very least and until then they are willing to rule from Stornmount… Ill fill you in on the other 800 years later

I don’t understand the whole running in “foreign” elections so that they can deal with “foreign” government bodies but then not taking their seats in that foreign parliament. What’s the difference between dealing with the other government bodies and just taking their seats in Westminster? You’re recognising the “foreign” government either way

That’s some load of shit

And you still evade the main point

What’s the main point? That you probably shouldn’t have voted SF if you disagreed with abstentionism from Westminster?

You’re still evading

Do the Shinners draw MP salaries?

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I’ve posted this before but Sinn Féin’s stated reason for not entering Westminister to voters as part of their election manifesto was that “Westminister was a waste of time” and that “the battle for Brexit will be fought in Dublin and Brussels” with SF leading that. Self evidently the former is no longer the case and SF have had little to no influence on Brexit. Given special status for NI in the EU was SF’s primary policy, it is quite a failure on their part.


Circumstances change and whilst it is very easy to hide behind the “people know what they voted for” line it is not right to completely avoid the topic. It is absolutely fair enough to criticize it. Whenever it is mentioned though Shinnerbots react with faux bafflement that it is even raised and just dismiss it. SF represented that Westminister was a waste of time, the numbers do not reflect that. It was an easy one of their “True Republican” (not that the original SF abstention policy even hoped to achieve that) policies to maintain when everything else went by the wayside over the decades, easy when NI’s influence in Westminister was negligible due to Parliamentary arithmetic. Not anymore.

Good to see that @Sidney is now on board this line of thinking, if only after Tin Tin O’Foole raised it (in a hamfisted, bizarre manner though frankly).

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