A United Ireland

Hopefully not. They had fierce issues trying to work out what the average industrial wage in Ireland was

The parliamentary arithmetic is not the main issue

The main issue is that there is nobody is on the floor of the House of Commons representing the views of the CNR community during a time of existential crisis for the rights of the CNR community, in the way that the SNP are representing and defending the rights of the Scottish people there

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Well it is clearly an issue.

It helped allow the DUP into power.

Parliamentary arithmetic has been absolutely critical throughout this process.

SF are utterly irrelevant based on current HOC mathematics

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Thereā€™s a nationalist party in the north who will take their seats in westminsterā€¦ No one will vote for them tho.

The fact remains that nationalists see themselves as irish or northern irish and dont want westminster rule . Irish citizens on the island of ireland should not have to sit in a foreign parliament.

If and when this changes, the SDLP will head to westminster to follow the peoples wishesā€¦ Im not sure why you or others here want to dictate to the nationalist community and how they should voteā€¦ Thats not exactly democratic is it? And iver never seen you call out the establishment here for not running in the northā€¦ Thats very hypocritical. Like a true southerner, you want it all your own way after generations of letting the nationalists in the north rot and try and dictate their own way through a sectarian gerry mandered aparthied stateā€¦ Waffling on about SF doing the right thing for Ireland at its hour of needā€¦ Where the fuck were the south at the nationalists time of need? ā€¦ With their backs to them, thats whereā€¦ Go way a shite for yourself.


Well Iā€™m talking about the now, and Iā€™m talking about SFā€™s 2017 manifesto.

Their statements on Brexit and how to get the best outcome for NI are clearly no longer true.

And if it is the case that Nationalists wonā€™t pivot, then that is a sad case indeed. We can criticize the Unionsits for voting for the hillbillies non stop due to fear over SF, but for nationalists to continue to support SF with this policy makes no logical sense. In reality most Nationalists clearly donā€™t care about the abstentionist policy, they voted for the other Nationalist party who took their seats for years. They clearly have gone against the SDLP and thatā€™s fine, but there are obviously a variety of reasons for that. Nationalists and unionists devolving to picking the biggest hardliners on both sides has helped result in NI being in this situation. Donā€™t get me wrong, the DUP are clearly the toxic influence here and this isnā€™t just blaming both sides. SF did campaign against Brexit and are clearly against it now, but they are letting down their constituents by not even having an internal discussion on this continued policy.

What are SF doing to defend the interests of their constituents as regards Brexit?

Nothing, thatā€™s what.

If thereā€™s a hard border, what will they have done to stop it?

Nothing, thatā€™s what.

If I was to adopt the same stupid reasoning as another poster here, Iā€™d say that the members of the CNR community who voted Sinn Fein only have themselves to blame for a hard border if it happens.

I wouldnā€™t take adopt such stupid reasoning though.

If itā€™s clear that your strategy is completely failing on a matter of existential crisis for your constituentsā€™ rights, itā€™s probably a good time to look at changing your strategy.

Or perhaps you arenā€™t actually that bothered about your constituents, because you secretly have your eye on a chaotic outcome, because youā€™re more worried about irredentism than the ordinary lives of ordinary people.

in the long run new political entities will have to appear and take overā€¦ Right now , we are at where we are at and i dont think SF could risk the core of their vote by abandoning their policy. I dont think they want it given their pastā€¦ It would be a huge leap to take for them.

How would SF be risking their core vote if they took their seats in Westminster?

Who would they vote for instead?

The Real IRA?

Would they fuck.

Who are they going to vote for?

Did the core vote run off after taking seats in the DƔil and Stormont?


Window is past now for the moment anyway. Would be interesting though if the conservatives won the election by a very small majority (5 or less) . It would be a massive opportunity for sf

The Irish government have followed the steps of that SF manifesto exactly and have gotten results.

The logical conclusion if you want SF to really do something therefore would be to put SF in government in the Republic.

SF have laid out their stall and kept to it. If you want to see a party take a brave leap why donā€™t FF put their money where their mouth is and run for the Westminster seats?

In fairness, I donā€™t believe that SF could actually get into Government or should want to.

To be honest come next election , if going, they will clearly need to state if they will take their seats in the HOC . Then itā€™s up to people in the heartlands to decide and we will need to accept this come what may

I think they may well just step aside and agree compromise nationalist candidates who will vote and see it as a pragmatic act rather than taking an oath . The likes of Peter Quinn , brolly , etc

The SF Westminister policy came well after Enda Kenny had secured the negotiating position for Ireland as part of the three EU pillars.

I honestly think theyā€™d split into 2 or 3 parties, theyā€™d never be the same again. Iā€™m from much closer to the north from you. You saw what just supporting Repeal the 8th did to them.

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And I should also say that Iā€™m a very moderate Republican in some ways, I donā€™t like Bobby Sands at all for example, but I would never ever vote for them again. The result would be almost every seat going unionist.

Agree . But lets say they get 7 seats and without taking up their seats, Boris has a majority of say 5.

what island are the Dail and Stormont on?

What do you mean by ā€œmoderate republican ā€œ ?