A United Ireland

What juristriction is the Belfast Parliament in?

Do you get out your Google Maps and measure the distance from where each poster comes from to the border to determine the “legitimacy” of their views, or something? :grin:


Supporting Repeal the 8th did fuck all to SF

They lost two TDs out of well over 20

So what

Aontu have made no impression whatsoever, they’re just another Renua, who split from FG and fell flat on their face, and SF aren’t losing votes because of the abolition of the 8th Amendment, they’re losing votes down here because the party leadership is shit and their Brexit stance is shit

Abortion is coming in in the north in six weeks’ time

I somehow don’t think that will be costing SF any votes up there

You’re entitled to your view that there would be a split in SF if they took their Westminster seats

There might be, but what would it amount to, more than likely just a splinter group of the size of Renua or Aontu which would fizzle out

People rightly slate the Tories for their party over country stance

What SF are doing is the exact same

The island of ireland… Youre now using the fact they were willing to share power for peace as a stick to beat them with? Typical southie, you dont give a fuck about the north and the peace process, you just want to bash SF and have your own middle ireland needs met.

Question for @Tank

Poster 1 lives 60km from the border, but can only reach the border via poor secondary roads and has a Google Maps driving time of 1 hour and 13 minutes to reach it

Poster 2 lives 92km from the border, but has motorway access to it and a Google Maps driving time of 1 hour and 5 minutes to the border

Which poster’s views on the north are more legitimate based on this information?

Does anyone here truly believe SF would achieve anything by taking theur seats? They are despised by all uk political parties. No one would come next to near them… You want them to go in there and do what exactly? Go against government for a couple of nonsense theatrical votes…youd all ask them to go against their core beliefs and youd cast them aside like rubbish as soon as they served your purpose…

Perhaps if some of you put pressue on your local ff and fg members to run in the north over the years youd have your golden egg layers


Sure they could have done the same last time, no? The Tories needed the DUP to get a majority

The Atlantic Archipelago

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If the last couple of hundred posts show anything it’s that a United Ireland may take a bit of delivering.

500 years thankfully.

Yes but the difference was that the Tories were expected to romp home last time and No one thought they’d need the DUP.

I’ve said it before, it’ll take a minimum of two more generations before it’s even conceivable.

What has that to do with anything… SF and the people in the north should do as they are told.

I think Ireland will be united in my lifetime. All it needs is a referendum in north and south with a majority in favour in both. Going forward the majorities shouldn’t be a major issue I would think. I think FF and SF will eventually go in together and eventually push for a referendum

You need the best and brightest to stay and see staying and having a career there as an option and not high tail it out of there as soon as they finish college. That is starting to happen from what I see/am told. If that continues then NI has a real chance.

Like all things economic success would make political progress smoother. A hard Brexit and all that entails for the NI economy and lots of disaffected youth being preyed upon by “community leaders”’ is worrying.

Actually since MC Guinness died SF haven’t done anything -them + DUP are twiddling thumbs waiting for Westminster to sort things out for them meanwhile it’s all going to shite

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If Boris gets any majority it will be 30 ish

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The DUP have no interest in power sharing, they dont see nationalists as equals…

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Scotland have found out that there is nothing to be gained at Westminster … Stormont is what NI needs but the DUP have no interest in sharing power with catholics - they were opposed to the GFA and while Paisley did his best to make it work, the rest of the bastards couldnt wait for it to fail -

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If Scotland go the Ulster Scots will be very confused

Bringing back mid Ulster bigot Willie,sorry Rev William McCrea, confidant and shite stirrer of Billy Wright,Willie will sort it all out,even if they have to fig him up