A United Ireland

100 percent :+1:

a couple of lads having full on conversations with themselves, its fascinating to watch


I think they should go for a border poll now, whilst the Republic is booming.
If the celtic tiger mark 2 is neutered, and money gets tight, I’d expect the Republic to vote as usual with the wallet, sad and all as that is.

That’s what the Scots did to be fair, voted with their wallet

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Indeed they did mate. :-/

Everyone votes with their wallet, or what they think is in their self interest.

I don’t.

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You don’t vote?

Sometimes. Usually I vote green. I’ll vote for Jo swinson’s road frontage next time.

The LibDems seem the only sensible option in the UK all right, they might bring a semblance of sanity to a coalition. A Tory or Labour majority would be an absolute disaster with the current leadership.


Lib Dems Lib Dems Lib Dems

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The party of reason.

How was your holiday bud?

I’m still in Ireland until early next week. It’s a lovely little country unless you need to get something done, then it can get difficult. Thankfully most of what we have to do is visiting people, as long as you don’t care about timeliness everything be grand.


And drinking tea by the gallon
It is one of the individually kindest and institutionally unkindest countries you’d ever visit.


As a German friend once put it, the most friendliest unfriendly nation going


Exactly and quite charming in its unpredictability. We were supposed to meet at a shopping center today to get food and make a casual lunch. It was a lovely sunny day so we made the executive decision to say fuck it to the lunch and walked to the nearly pub and had a few glorious pints outside and then wandered back to the shopping center and ate a variety of street food while listening to a few buskers.

Your average yank would lose their minds with such spontaneous behavior.

Hardly chaos mate.

No, but the day is long and plenty opportunities for hi jinks later. We’re meeting some of the nutcase wing of the family tonight so literally anything could happen. It’s also freshers week, there’s s lot of chaos about.

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You should make a point of crossing the border when you’re here. It won’t be there for much longer!

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