A United Ireland

Strike that. Reverse it.

There is no border. There won’t be no border for much longer.

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Not going to read all the previous shite.
But listen, youse stater cunts will have to beg us to take ye.


Like it​:+1::+1::+1:

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Re: future conflict



Very little talk about mass murder,genocide, civil war or towels full of tic tacs.


its a reasoned argument put forward by an expert in the field, the limerick and cork free staters on TFK know better though

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The Limerick posters on here are servile pigs.

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i get confused sometimes but is @Horsebox from limerick? he isnt a serville pig, no harm in him at all tbf

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he’s from Galway but is a massive Munster rugby fan… No harm in him at all tho.

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I was talking to a man from Fermanagh last night whose brother was shot dead by Loyalists in the Troubles purely for the crime of being Catholic

He thinks the Troubles are going to break out again

He’s a Sinn Fein voter and says they should take their seats in Westminster


You met some man who ticks three of your fantasist boxes? An awful pity he wasn’t a she…

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He’s a realist

And he knew what he was talking about from bitter experience

Unlike you

That’s the only thing real about him

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Why does he vote SF if he knows they’re abstentionist? What a hypocrite.

Did you not tell him to stop his fucking moaning and vote for a different party Sid?

Probably because the alternative is the vile Tom Elliott

Gildernew is a good politician tbf and a decent sort

But SF’s strategy is failing their community and people here get all offended when this is pointed out

Reality can hurt

This is very strange. Do the SDLP not exist anymore?

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