A United Ireland

They who? Mary Lou said it was one of the reasons only a week ago on Newstalk.

I posted their manifesto from 2017 a couple of days ago.

They told the voters that Westminister was a ā€œwaste of timeā€ and that the ā€œbattleā€ would be won in Dublin and Brussels.

Clearly not the case now is it?

Of course the SF of old thought the ā€œFree Stateā€ Parliament was a waste of time too. Why the change?

Why do they run for election in a foreign country so?

They donā€™t. They run for election in their own country.

They run in UK elections

On an abstetionist ticket to show that a significant proportion of the population in Ulster want nothing to do with Britain.

Not really

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26 + 6 = 1


Claire Hanna and Nicola Mallon seem to be a one man band these days.

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Was Ruairi O Bradaigh right about sitting in Leinster House ? .

Today is Monday

They do in one sense Leinster House is not recognised by republicans as our legitimate parliament ( Iā€™m obviously not including SF as republicans theyā€™re a watered down version of FF)itā€™s not v popular an opinion down here but it is what it is

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Post GFA, SF agreed to engage with the people and both states on this island and all communities within- they should be commended for it ā€¦ after being completely abandoned by the south to live in an apartheid state, they have carved out a place at the table for nationalists - maybe if they were not completely abandoned and southern political parties had the back bone to stand / lead in NI over the years there may not have even been a war ā€¦ Of course, the establishment down south now thinks it can dictate to the nationalist community in the north ā€” as witnessed by this thread.

Cannot disagree with any of that ,but find SF have lost their way and voice in nationalist areas especially regarding the youth( ps Iā€™m an ex SF member albeit a long time ago,and have several buds still with them but personally feel theyā€™re losing it , SDLP are gone so who to turn to for the disaffected youth?)

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Theyā€™ve gone too middle of the road ā€” they were shaping up to be a true alternative party towards the end of the 10s / early teens - but theyā€™ve gone with watered down republicans in Mary Lou et al ā€¦ I havenā€™t marched myself in a while - I probably wont unless thereā€™s a change in leadership / direction.

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Leadership will change but for the worst I fear them becoming yellow pack republicans,know obviously they have to bend but too much equals younger voters in the 6 counties not turning to them equals a swell in the ranks of militant republicans,has happened again and again

you are in the dark ages

Nah heā€™s fairly representative of what people up north think. You havenā€™t a clue no offence, if youā€™re relying on the southern papers to tell you whatā€™s going on in nationalist communities in the north.

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its utterly fascinating watching @chocolatemice having an fullblown conversation with himself