A United Ireland

Can you read? I said you were an apologist in advance for Unionist/Loyalist terrorism – like CCOB, EH, FO’T and all the other adhesive hypocrites.

And you are.

Not an apologist for them but for the same dynamic as they mitigate in advance. You are confusing morphemes with syntax.

More importantly, the Joe Duffy type shite (‘The childer! The childer!’) cuts no ice with me or with any intelligent rational fair-minded person, South or North.

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what an orator

Mate, any UVF member could divvy up a bit of semtex with a device and plant it in a bin in a city or town of their choice. British assistance not required for that. Maybe for bigger ops yes, but not random targeted explosions that would affect the everyday lives of Éire’s citizens.

It’s really simple my friend. Call me an apologist or whatever you want, I don’t want the north’s aggro and sectarianism spreading down here. Bad enough they have to put up with it in 6 counties nevermind 32.

What an abomination of a thread

eh ireland is sectarian too, the GGA for example


The GGA?

You get a better class of racketeering gangsters in the UK.

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yes, you know the organisation with explicit political Goals, xenophobic rules and clubs named after racists

Incorrect as they couldn’t organise any clean getaway without the brits help as they’re absolutely riddled with touts for generations and always have to get their masters approval inc Dublin and Monaghan etc etc



I voted for A Nation Once Again to top the BBC World Song Poll back in the day. I’m in.

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@Gary_Birtles_Lovechi is of course correct, after absolving themselves of their sins and getting a pension, the Provisional SF IRA’s preferred method of a 32 county Republic is 50+1 with them as the winners and Uninists/Loyalists to “get over it”. That will lead to large-scale resentment. PSF also have no real intention in improving Loyalists lives currently as that’s the other sides job and a successful Northern Ireland is bad for business. A UI by their methods will be a disaster, they need to disband.

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Agreed a united Ireland via a just transition

I am not your friend. I have an allergy to populist dimwittery.

And an allergy to apologists in advance for terrorism.

Own your own hypocrisy.

Look at this clown, ever so predictably.

Of course, carrots are orange.

Like the Orange Order, say?

At least morons like you keep Independent Newspapers afloat, I suppose.

Malarkey mightn’t be all bad.


Most UVF lads would struggle to tie their own shoe laces.


yes, green orangemen would be a good description