A United Ireland

Would it now? Your descriptions are about as sharp as your mind.

How did Jack Boothman become GAA President, so?

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have they grounds teams & trophies named after terrorists & racists?
have they an explicit political goal?
Have they had or do they have xenophobix rules?

Such naivety is really beautiful, I love Christmas.

So terrorism is bad now, is it?

Gobdaws like you should be prescribed like Prozac used to be. Ye truly are a great laugh.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy only likes the IRA when he’s attending Celtic games


its all about context

The Orange Order? The Pan Loyalist Front? And so forth?

Yes, in a word.

Plenty of terrorists to go round. David Trimble was in Vanguard. Ian Paisley Sr was one of the ladeens waving a gun license up a mountain after the Anglo Irish Agreement hoved into view.
Ian Paisley Jr, wearing a leather jacket, sat beside Billy Wright on a platform in Portadown. I wonder who paid for the jacket.

Need any more detail? I have plenty more.

By the way, could you tell us when a Catholic headed the Orange Order? The equivalent of Jack Boothman?

That’s a very good question

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Back again eh

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Billy Wright gave Ian Paisley Jr. a few bob for a leather jacket? Unreal camaraderie

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Except of course that you are not taking on a “populist stance”.

He is espousing a minority stance in the south of Ireland, that is being against a United Ireland.

There is also no apology for terrorism, just dealing with the reality.

A 50%+1 United Ireland would be a disaster. Referendums are easily hijacked by populism (which you claimed to hate) and there is no more populist a cause than a UI. A UI with Sinn FĂ©in as the victors, GGA grounds still named after terrorists et al will not be accepted.

love how when basic facts are presented to the Gahliban they turn into whataboutery

normal sports organisations thankfully are a million miles away from the GGA & the Orange order

Really? By whom?

Edit to add that unpacking your designation of “terrorists” is another matter altogether.

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Normal people

Nationalism and populism are not the same thing

Ah! That’s where you’re going wrong. The likes of yourself & Tim aren’t normal people.

thank you

Indeed. Malarky seems to think that those of a Catholic or Nationalist bent would want to join the Orange Order. Why would they? The Orange Order is a religious organisation with a unionist ideology. If you want to knock on the door to them as a Catholic go ahead and ask, but their goals include the continuation of the Union so whilst you might disagree with them, they aren’t actually harming their goal at the moment.

It is in the GGA’s interests for 32 county participation and for that to be cross community if there is to be a 32 county Republic. It still has serious sectarian issues within it - it’s continued sectarian ban on “foreign sports”, naming grounds after terrorists, clubs named after racists etc. This makes it a cold house for the other community and will be another impediment to a peaceful United Ireland.

Malarkey mentioning Jack Boothman again ffs, it’s like saying the US didn’t have a racism problem because Obama was elected or that the Northern Ireland State before the Troubles was grand for Catholics because the first Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland was Catholic. :rofl:

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Roll up! Roll up!

Tuck in! Tuck in!

A John Bruton Free State Partitionist Gut Buster Burger made from Meath Rancher-reared beef, with Cruiser ketchup, Stickie Finger fries and grated carrot salad.

Nope, but there will be no more populist referendum than an Irish Unity one.

That is guaranteed with the continued existence of Provisional Sinn FĂ©in.