A United Ireland

What terrorists?

John Devoy

This lad is so literalistic and so without wit as almost be special needs. The sight is quite hilarious. Money cannot buy you love, in the phrase, but money sure can buy you confident stupidity.

Rugby, rugby rugby… We are so advanced.

Or maybe he got hit on the head a few too many times. Maybe that craic lies beneath.

Like Celtic FC?

Go away, you utter clown.

We don’t have a chance with the GGA still going on like this

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And still this fool cannot see Windsor Park is named so as to glorify terrorism.

None so blind as those in a scrum cap.

do you think the GGA should remove the goal of a united Ireland from their rule-book?

You mentioned your perception of my “class” before when you were a bit stumped, good to see it again. I suppose it’s better than you telling us all how smart you are.

As for craic, pounding a whiskey bottle and staying up all night roaring at lads on the internet might be your idea of craic, but we all have our different tastes.

Your continued denials about sectarianism within the GGA are gas. A fella gets his leg blown off for joining the PSNI and his GGA club treat him as a pariah but but but Jack Boothman. :rofl:

You seem to be well out of touch with the huge middle ground in the north, basing your views on the bile you hear from hardline loyalists. East Belfast GAA Club just finished their first season up here, attracted huge numbers from all sides of the community and were a massive success.


They play association football in Windsor Park, do keep up.

No bile from loyalists here, this was a nationalist. The club treated him like shit.

Is all the GGA like that? Nope, but there are huge problems with it.

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Ah, the whisky line…

Money can buy you confident stupidity and graceless concessions but not, clearly, class.

Rugby, rugby, rugby… We are great, great, great.

As Samuel Beckett said of his rugby boys in Portora: “They are the cream. Rich and thick.”

Same difference, unless this ladeen is ‘sectarian’ about soccer ball.


And I do not think the Orange Order should be proscribed.

Do you?

Don’t see how that story means GAA is a cold house for the other community like you stated, that was members of a GAA club treating one of their own disgracefully. Thankfully its an isolated incident and is seen by most in the GAA as a shameful incident.

We’ll get to an argument with you someday.

they are calling for the GGA to change their rules

It shouldn’t just be seen as such, the club should have received sanction.

There has long been a discussion within the Association about how political they should be, in Ulster it swings too far one way.

id happily see both banned

It wasn’t the club who treated him poorly though but individuals within a club. Delighted to report that Peadar was manager of a victorious County title winning team up here this year, who played against East Belfast on their way to the title. Some want to stay in the past (including those looking to make cheap points on the Internet) but the majority are moving forward.