A United Ireland

Should the GGA change their rules & goals to accommodate a large chunk of the irish population?

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No one of this lad’s stupidity is ever in anything with me except in deep bother.

Rugby, rugby, rugby… We are so very great.

Rugby thoughts are snuggly, like a lovely snuggly jacket. Dick Moran played rugby in Glenroe, not that horrible Gah. Dick was handsome – and an auctioneer! Dick even committed adultery, in the truest traditions of the sophisticated provincial rugby man, more power to him. Dick Moran… A carrot among vegetables.

Rugby, rugby, rugby. Never mind about the… Oh, what was it…? Maybe…

Yeah, you would, you toxic clown.

The same authoritarian streak as CCO’B.

@Mac 08122020 “something needs to be done to stop Dublin’s dominance”
@Mac 09122020 “i dont want 500,000 prods from Antrim playing Gaelic”

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you need to embrace modern Ireland

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I embraced plenty of modern Ireland in my time and generally gave it an orgasm.

You can only do so much.


Poor Dick Moran.


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What a line!




You know, a non delimiting pronoun.

Do you know what a pronoun is?

What could happen is that, like Brexit, the wrong question will be asked to both sides of the boarder here in Ireland like “Do you want a united Ireland” without learning the lessons of asking such an closed question like they did in the UK in 2016. The complications around delivering it if both NI and the ROI voted yes to this question would wrangle on for years afterwards.

Too much sex in that

There was no adultery in Ireland until Dick Moran

He had some wink.

It was all godless Terry Killeen’s fault.

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Wasn’t he carrying on with Mary while she was married to Biddy’s father .

There was no drugs until Mary took them mushrooms unbeknownst to herself.

I assume so.

Was Terry Killeen a daughter of Jim Killeen the cop? Also seen as the Dad getting up in the middle of the night feeding a baby a bottle in an ESB ad?

Edit: it was Jim Roche


Damn right. I want them playing hurling.

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