A United Ireland

Ye could start in Wexford

A United Ireland is inevitable, the only question is the timeframe. Based solely on demographics, it’s probably ~10 years away as the opposition is from aging Unionists. Among the 18-45 age group there is a clear 5-10% majority in favor of a UI. Whether the timeframe gets accelerated depends on economic rather than political, religious, or sporting considerations, young people by and large care most about economic opportunity. The one issue that unites young people in NI is lack of economic opportunity, cultural ties to the UK or religion are now less important.

The biggest issue is whether Ireland can maintain it’s economic status as one of the most progressive pro business environments in Europe. At the end of the day that’s what makes it attractive to younger people everywhere including NI’s youth.

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You’ll get that book deal someday


32 county socialist republic.

A protestant Unionist might want to join the Orange Order only to find themselves barred because one of their grandparents or grand-grandparents was a Catholic.

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So unionists now live outside the border with Britain?

A united Ireland is inevitable…

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And they did it to themselves! It’s glorious.

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Fuck off Mickey D ya wee cunt. Till Ireland is united & the Brits gone you can forget your ‘Machnamh’.


He can go and boil his corrupt wee head


He is a rat bastard. I hope he rots.

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Make sure you get out of the right side of the bed tomorrow morning you cranky little man :kissing_heart:

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Back in the cupboard Bertie

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Statement11 February 2021London

Joint statement by European Commission Vice-President Šefčovič and the UK Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Gove

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The co-chairs of the EU-UK Joint Committee on the Withdrawal Agreement – European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and the UK Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove – met to prepare the upcoming Joint Committee on the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland and the outstanding issues.

After a frank but constructive discussion, and taking into account the views expressed on 3 February by the First Minister and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, the two co-chairs agreed to:

  • reiterate their full commitment to the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement, and to the proper implementation of the Protocol – protecting the gains of the peace process, maintaining stability, avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland and impacting as little as possible on the everyday life of communities in both Ireland and Northern Ireland;
  • spare no effort to implement solutions mutually agreed on 17 December, as they form a foundation for our cooperation;
  • intensify the work of the Specialised Committee on the Protocol in order to address all outstanding issues, with the shared objective to find workable solutions on the ground;
  • underpin this work by further joint engagement by the UK and the EU with business groups and civic society in Northern Ireland; and
  • convene the Joint Committee no later than on 24 February to provide the necessary political steer and approval to this work in the spirit of collaboration, responsibility and pragmatism.

The state of Arlene here on Newsnight.

John Prescott in drag.

At least John could brush his hair.

That lady presenting newsnight is foxy

Didn’t some comely maiden describe an encounter with him as “like having a wardrobe fall on top of you with the key in the lock”?

TFK misogynist crew up to their usual tricks I see, cc @balbec